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蔗糖是日常饮食中必不可少的。Sucrose is essentially table sugar.

服用蔗糖液是因为其似乎能起作用。Sucrose is given because it seems to work.

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甘蔗制成的蔗糖,用作甜料。Sucrose from sugarcane used as sweetening agent.

发菜中有含量较高的海藻糖、蔗糖。Nostoc flagelliforme contains trehalose and sucrose.

本品不含乳糖、麸质、人造甜味剂及蔗糖。D-Vi-Sol is sugar-free, gluten-free and lactose-free.

甜菊糖甜度是蔗糖的200-350倍,是一种可替代蔗糖非常理想的甜味剂。The sweet of the inulin is 200-350 times of the sucrose.

采用离子选择电极法测定蔗糖中的铜的含量。Copper in Sucrose was assayed by ion-selective electrode.

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蔗糖、葡葡糖和盐等添加剂对色素无影响。Addition of glucose, sucrose had no effect on the pigment.

蔗糖、葡葡糖和盐等添加剂对色素无影响。Sucrose, glucose and salt had no effect on its properties.

虾与蔗糖一起烹制后甜美多汁。Cooked with sugarcane, these shrimp are sweet and succulent.

蔗糖打开了大脑的食物反馈神经系统。Sucrose turned on neurons in the brain’s food-reward system.

巴西农业部长认为,答案可能是蔗糖。Brazil's agriculture minister believes the answer may be sugar.

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这里所指的糖是经过提取加工的糖,就是我们糖罐中的蔗糖。Sugar for purpose of this discussion is refined sugar. Sucrose.

而且,低热量、不含蔗糖的甜品,吃后不会令体重激增。Sugar- free low calorie desserts will keep you fit and healthy.

糖,尤其是蔗糖,会被细菌利用产酸。Sugars, especially sucrose, react with bacteria to produce acid.

产物经水洗或醇洗以及漂白等纯化步骤精制蔗糖多酯。Water or alcohol washes reaction product, and SPE were purified.

但不要吃裹了蔗糖或焦糖糖衣的坚果,因为糖衣给坚果增加了许多热量。Avoid sugar coated or caramelized nuts, with many extra calories.

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它是豆油或棉花籽油同蔗糖结合而成的。It's either soybean oil or cottonseed oil, combined with sucrose.

对嗜热链球菌进行葡萄糖、麦芽糖和蔗糖的发酵试验。Thermophilus carbohydrate fermentation, and glucose is used for S.

蔗糖、葡葡糖和盐等添加剂对色素无影响。Addition of glucose, sucrose and salt had no effect on the pigment.