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她作为特邀客人参加电视讨论会。She is guesting on a television panel show.

特邀外籍运动员必须凭护照在特邀运动员检录区进行检录。Elite athletes shall go to the call room with passports.

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为此,他特邀大陆学者赐稿。To this end, he invited scholars from mainland China Cigao.

他把留给特邀佳宾的椅子与其它椅子分开摆放。He set the chair apart form the others for the special guest.

麦克•哈克比则早就是杜布森广播节目的长期特邀嘉宾了。Mike Huckabee has been a frequent guest on his radio programme.

群仰慕者围着那位特邀嘉宾。There was a little cluster of admirers round the guest speaker.

安格拉是很多主流电视节目特邀嘉宾在巴西。Angra was a featured guest on many mainstream TV shows in Brazil.

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我代表在座的各位,感谢我们特邀嘉宾的讲话。The President can't be here today, so I'm going to speak on his behalf.

特邀嘉宾的艺人包括小约翰尼里韦罗和路易斯托金特罗。Special guest artists include Little Johnny Rivero and Luisito Quintero.

女士们,先生们,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎今晚的特邀嘉宾。Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big hand to our special guests tonight.

天津市河北区文化艺术委员会特邀委员。Honorary member of the Tianjin Hebei district Committee for Culture and Arts.

特邀嘉宾的DJ韦恩G加入了居民若公众,马克安德鲁斯与多利安。Special guest DJ Wayne G joined the residents Jo-Public, Marc Andrews & Dorian.

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那是在一个红十字会举办的艺术家作品展览会上,我作为特邀的贵宾参加了展览会。I attended an exhibition of art works which was hold by Red Cross as a VIP guest.

如需邀请2007年度WAO特邀讲者,请填写在线申请表。To apply for a WAO Invited Lecturer in 2007, please fill out the online application.

目前发表论文46篇,获授权专利8项,国际会议特邀报告11次。Prof. Dr. Yu published 46 papers and 8 patents, made 11 Invited Conference Presentations.

企业代表作为特邀嘉宾出席赛事主要公关活动。Corporate representatives can attend a series of major PR events as special invited guest.

参加这个活动的是来自乔治·美森大学的师生,另外还有一些特邀乐师。The performers include students and employees from the university, along with guest musicians.

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毕捷已预约宝儿为他们公司答谢顾客年度野餐会的特邀发言人。Bretz has booked Beau as guest speaker for his company's annual customer appreciation barbecue.

在筹备澳门俱乐部的过程中,花花公子特邀香港设计师尹泰尉重新打造了一系列特色兔女郎制服。For its Macau club, Playboy tapped Hong Kong designer Pacino Wan to redesign the bunny outfits.

常常受特邀在底特律地区布劳德斯书店及安阿伯和菲林特等地演出。Featured regularly at all Borders Bookstores in the Detroit area as well as Ann Arbor and Flint.