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煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.

这里的铁矿储藏量很丰富。The place here is rich in iron ore reserves.

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开采铁矿则是为了砍伐树木以获取木材。Iron mined in order to topple trees for lumber.

加快攀西铁矿山建设。Speed up development of Panxi iron mining area.

有商业价值的主要矿石是钛铁矿和金红石。Its chief commercial ores are ilmenite and rutile.

毕竟,我们需要石油、木材、钻石、铁矿、黄铜。After all, we need oil, wood, gold, diamonds, coltan, copper.

还发现了铁矿中玉髓的似生物结构。Some fossil-like structures were also found in the chalcedony.

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为了达到铁矿矿床,他们只好钻透坚硬的岩石。To reach iron-ore deposit,they had to bore through solid rock.

达茂旗的黄金、稀土、铁矿的储量都很丰富。Damao County is abundant in gold, RE, iron and other resources.

在此基础上研究了菱铁矿的成因和岩相意义。And then studied the origin and lithofacies meaning of siderite.

新疆觉罗塔格地区铁矿资源十分丰富。Iron resources are very rich in the Jiangluotage area, Xinjiang.

微米级铁矿粉具有纳米尺度的晶粒。Nano-crystalline gra in exists in ore particle with micron size.

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而且以自然铁为核心并包裹于方铁矿中,两者形成圆球形态。The grains of native iron are in globular form rimmed by wustite.

西石门铁矿采用无底柱分段崩落采矿法开采。Sublevel caving without sill pillar is used in Xishimen Iron Mine.

赤铁矿是更为一般的钛铁矿型结构中一个特殊的情况。Haematite is a special case of the more general ilmenite structure.

铁矿床属海相沉积变质成因。Therefore, it is a marine sedimentary-metamorphic iron ore deposit.

泰勒冰河,冰川鼻因铁矿而呈红色,融化的雪水缓缓流入邦尼湖。Taylor Glacier, its snout reddened by iron, drains into Lake Bonney.

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我国的主要硼矿资源是硼镁矿和硼铁矿。Main boron mineral resources in China are ascharite ore and paigeite.

这里的红土含有大概240亿吨的铁矿。The red earth here contains an estimated 24 billion tons of iron ore.

工业有用矿物主要为钽铌铁矿、锂辉石、绿柱石等。Nb-Ta-Fe ore, spodumene and aquamarine are useful industrial minerals.