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他慷慨地款待我们。He did us handsomely.

这是非常慷慨的陈词。A generous note there.

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上帝的慷慨赐福。God 's bounteous blessings.

应该更慷慨些。We should be more generous.

他很慷慨地代我们全付了钱。He generously paid for us all.

慷慨丈夫志,可以耀锋?——孟郊。Generous husband, can yao feng?

打个电话,发封邮件,写封信,营造一种慷慨的生活。Send an e-mail. Write a letter.

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这一慷慨举动并非毫无代价。This largesse comes at a price.

神是慷慨的神,满有慈爱的神。He is a generous and loving God.

凤舞阁下,多谢你的慷慨。Feng dance you, thank your charity.

我感谢他们的慷慨。I thanked them for their munificence.

“零钱不用找了,”他慷慨地说。“Keep the change,” he said generously.

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那位王子慷慨地给歌舞女郎许多钱。The prince lavished money on show girls.

我那慷慨,可心,甜美的读者小糖糖。Good, Sweet, Honey, Sugar-Candied Reader.

她是一位热心肠的,慷慨的老太太。She was a warmhearted, generous old lady.

慷慨的赏赐,却不予转交?The bounteous largess given thee to give?

她慷慨,只赁给宽宏大量的人。The bounteous largess given thee to give?

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现在,中国正在慷慨投资于赛先生。These days, China is lavishing money on Mr.

他是善良,慷慨和热情。He is kind-hearted, generous and passionate.

满溢的喜乐使他们显出丰富的慷慨。Overflowing joy led to theirrich generosity.