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2007年9月作为协约成员加入天合联盟。In September 2007 as a treaty member of SkyTeam add.

方解石矿石王国与此建议有协约。The Calcite Mineral Kingdom concludes with this suggestion.

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常见的类型安全好处都是通过服务协约实现的。The usual benefits of type safety as enabled by service contracts.

更重要的是,这些“协议”嘲弄着法律和签订协约的根本思想。make a mockery ofthe law and of the very idea of forming agreements.

这个团队是NASA第二阶段基金的唯一两个协约团队之一。The team is one of only two in negotiations with NASA for Phase II funding.

系统协约定义了适配器如何处理事务和安全。The system contract defines how the adapter handles transactions and security.

更多协约允许外国公司在沙漠里开采其他资源。More deals allowed foreign companies to explore the desert for other resources.

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他说,拍卖麦克里奥德壮观提供了许多优势私人协约出售。Mr McLeod said the Auction Spectacular offers many advantages over a private treaty sale.

消费者为了获得未来的住宿权利,需要按照协约的安排提前支付所需的款项。To obtain the living right in future, the needed fund should be pre-paid according the contract.

最后,对理清争端或许有所帮助的国际协约现在是一团乱麻。Lastly, the international arrangements that might help sort out some of these disputes are a shambles.

现在电视制片人需要和演员公会洽谈新的协约,否则可能导致新的一轮罢工。Now the producers need to negotiate a new agreement with the Screen Actors Guild or risk another strike.

六个月以来我们一直等待他们能够冰释前嫌。美国汽车巡回赛知到我们为什么要解除协约。现在他们高兴了。We've waited six months for him to remedy the breach. He knows full well why we've cancelled. He's happy.

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打破这项协约的伍基人会遭到疏远和放逐,被指责为“疯爪子”并禁止进入城市。Wookiee that breaks this covenant is shunned and exiled, branded a "madclaw" and banished from the cities.

5分钟,似乎是一个临界点,但这里面还存在时间裁定标准的问题,且不同的协约也有所不同。A five-minute time span seems to be the emerging norm, but it’s an arbitrary standard and protocols differ.

我们的44英寸型号协约容易储存,并包括尼龙套带拉带的手提携带。Our 44 inch model compacts for easy storage and includes nylon sleeve with drawstring strap for handsfree carrying.

贸易和其他商业协约需要使双方都受益,否则这些协议需要纠正。Trade and other business arrangements need to be mutually benefical if it is not then the arrangments needs to be corrected.

飞格这个协约物流提供者,将原材料和所有信息及金融流动控制融为一体。The contract logistics provider Fiege controls the material flows and all information and financial flows linked to the same.

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我会违约选择我最佳对策的产量,我会生产出远远多于协约量的产品来So I should cheat and pick the quantity on my best response line that's much farther out so I'll produce more than my quantity.

“采金者会议”确定协约细则以确定并执行所有权,防止所有权的转移。It was at the "miners' meetings" that contract specifications were determined to establish and enforce claims and prevent claim jumping.

尽管协约者会忽略一些不合理的交易和轻率的誓言,但是一旦有人食言便会惹怒它们。Anyone who reneges on a deal could draw the ire of a kolyarut, although the creature usually ignores inconsequential deals and rashly sworn oaths.