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我的左耳的耳鼓感染了。My left eardrum has become infected.

耳鼓已经感染了。My right eardrum have become infect.

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你的脉搏令我耳鼓难安。Your pulse lulls the tympans of my ears.

虽然你的巫术撞击我的耳鼓And though your Witchcrafts strike my Ear

这些带刺的话语,响亮地激荡着耳鼓。Barbed these words, it was loudly stirring the eardrum.

声波经过耳鼓,然后穿越中耳。From the eardrum, sound travels through the middle ear.

由于这种液体不断增多压迫耳鼓,产生疼痛。As the pus builds up it pushes on the eardrum, causing pain.

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不要把任何东西捅进你的耳朵,否则就有可能弄破你的耳鼓!Do not push anything into your ears as you may break your ear drums!

这种通过骨传导的声音完全绕过耳鼓,直接传入耳蜗。Such bone-conducted audio reaches the cochlea directly, completely bypassing the eardrum.

当最适宜的歌敲打着你的耳鼓,生命的全部意义似乎完全明了。When the right song rattles your eardrums the entire meaning of life seems crystal clear.

印度喀拉喀火山爆发的声响震动着25英里之外水遇的耳鼓。The noise of the eruption of katoa in Indonesia smote on the eardrums of sailors 25 miles away.

将耳机的一端与音频源连接,另一端放在或塞进耳朵,然后你就能通过耳鼓听到音乐声了。Attach them to an audio source, put them on or in your ears, and you'll hear sound via your eardrums.

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但骑士团长耳鼓被压得嗡嗡作响,满脑子混乱,怎么听得到他说话呢。But the Cavaliers head of the eardrum being pressed humming counting heads for chaos, listen to how he said it was.

绝大多数感染发生在中耳,一个小口袋大约有小葡萄一样大小,位于耳鼓后面。Most infections happen in the middle ear, a pocket about the size of a small grape located just behind the eardrum.

因蛛网膜囊肿造成中耳鼓室顶缺损所导致的自发性脑脊髓液耳漏过去在文献中未曾被报告过。Spontaneous CSF leakage from the tegmen tympani caused by an arachnoid cyst has not been reported in the literature.

当时,他的耳部感染在用了抗生素后就治愈了,但我不知道的是,还有一些液体在他耳鼓后积聚下来,并且一直都没排出。What I didn't know was that lots and lots of liquid had built up behind his ear drums that were not draining at all.

多次计算表明,我们所能听到的最微弱的声响,给耳鼓带来的振幅还抵不过一个氢原子的直径。Calculations show that the quietest sound we can hear vibrates the eardrum by less than the diameter of a hydrogen atom.

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还有很大数量的动物如青蛙和鱼类也是如此,虽然我们至少可以看到青蛙有一个耳鼓。The same is true to still a larger degree of such animals as frogs and fishes, although in the frog we can at least see an eardrum.

但骑士团长耳鼓被压得嗡嗡作响,满脑子混乱,怎么听得到他说话呢。But the Cavaliers head of the eardrum being pressed humming counting heads for chaos, listen to how he said it was. World of Warcraft Gold.

巴基鲸的鼓泡已经朝现代型的方向演化了,但是牠们仍然保存了类似陆栖哺乳类的耳鼓,在水面下毫无作用。The Pakicetus bulla shows some modification in that direction, but the animal retained a land mammal–like eardrum that could not work in water.