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露西有甜美的嗓音。Lucy has a sweet voice.

他嗓音洪亮。He has a resonant voice.

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听她的嗓音多脆!What a crisp voice she has!

她们的嗓音非常甜美。They have very sweet voices.

她唱歌的嗓音很自然。She sings with a natural voice.

嗓音变得果断坚定。The voice firmed with decision.

他的嗓音亲切而又甜美。His voice was caressingly sweet.

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他嗓音像雾号,又粗又响。He's got a voice like a fog-horn.

她的嗓音很美,是吗?Shes got a nice voice, hasnt she?

他们的嗓音协调。Their voices blend together well.

离别时,她的嗓音颤微微。Her voice did quiver as we parted.

我刚听到了她那低沉宏亮的嗓音。I just heard her deep round voice.

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啊,啊,你还是在抱怨同样的事啊,另外,你还有一点没变——你优美的嗓音,还有你说话时的方式。ah. You still say the same things.

有些人的嗓音能把我逼疯。Some people's voices drive me crazy.

人类的嗓音也有这种颤音You hear it in human voices as well.

他用颤抖的嗓音哼了一首稀奇古怪的古老小调。He quavered forth a quaint old ditty.

他那粗重嘶哑的嗓音传入了我的耳中。His gruff hoarse voice struck my ears.

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我渴望倾听的嗓音已然寂灭!And the sound of a voice that is still!

她的嗓音圆润、浑厚,他的蓝调布鲁斯和民谣非常罗曼蒂克,非常有古典美。Her smooth R&B balladry is very moving.

再唱一遍,以你美妙的嗓音Sing again, with your dear voice revealing