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滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。The water-en, when the springs of newspaper.

卓耿巢穴外的涌泉池内还有小鱼。There were fish in the spring-fed pool by Drogon's cave.

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此为华蓥山大峡谷涌泉景观的典型代表。Here is the typical scenic spot of spring in Mt. Huaying gorge.

滴水之恩,来日我当涌泉相报。Thanksgiving Day drips of TU, does Yongquan phase when I reported.

当你丢弃了小气转而拥抱感激的时候,爱会涌泉而出。When you let go of niggles and embrace gratitude instead, love springs up.

感恩是结草衔环,是滴水之恩涌泉相报。Thanksgiving is the title of Central knot grass is dripping with springs at the TU.

“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,这是无可争议的。"The favour of drop water, should emerge fontal look signs up for " , this is unquestionable.

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上周五晚上,她在位于南卡罗莱纳州涌泉市的库伯河烧烤餐厅。She was chowing last Friday night at the Copper River Grill in Boiling Springs, South Carolina.

在它的西边,有涌泉洞和狮子洞在一个地下石雕宝库中。In its west , there are the Yongquan Cave and Shizi Cave in an underground stone-carved treasure house.

同时提出对涡虫生境冷涌泉的保护意见。Finally, an idea about protection of cold spring, the living circumstance of turbellarians, was suggested.

我爸爸是个药剂师,站在他的药店外,上海涌泉路上的圣乔治药店。This is my father the pharmacist, outside his shop, St. George's Pharmacy in Shanghai on Bubbling Well Road.

然后原油这种新能源被发现了,当时的原油丰富到就像涌泉般、会自己从地底下冒出来。At that time, crude oil was so plentiful that it could be found bubbling up from the ground, in natural springs.

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受人滴水之恩当涌泉相报固然是一种美好的愿望,值得我们褒扬。Water dripping from the people of the TU when Yongquan is a beautiful course on the wishes and deserves our compliment.

涌泉洞位于九江县涌泉乡伏船山,是天然断层裂隙产生崩塌而形成的溶洞。Located on Fuchuan Mountain, Yongquan Town, Jiujiang County, Yongquan Cave was shaped by the collapse of geological fault.

涌泉多不胜数,主要有薰冶泉、万宝泉、善息泉、八角湾等,此皆源出于山石中。Numerous springs, mainly in spring, Wan Baoquan, Kaoru and good interest springs, octagonal Bay, which were derived from the rocks.

按摩涌泉、百会、足三里等穴位,经常做做按摩,或用艾条灸一灸,可以帮助改善手脚冰冷症。Massage springs, 100 mile, will often do massage acupuncture, etc, or use moxa sticks a hub, can help improve the iciness of disease.

涌泉灌溉技术是针对滴灌系统使用过程中灌水器容易堵塞,以及农业生产管理水平不高而设计的一种微灌技术。Bubbler irrigation is one type of the micro-irrigation. It aims directly at apparatus blockade problem of drip-irrigation system in China.

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俗话说得好,“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,动物界尚且如此,何况我们有思想的人呢!As the saying goes, "water of the TU, when springs with reportedly" animal world like this, not to mention the people we are thinking of it!

创作时的她宛若静心参禅,她的文化积淀和聪明才智如涌泉之水----自然流淌、源源不断。When creating, she's like practising meditation, her cultural heritage and intelligence are like spring water----natural and continuous flowing.

因此,才能使林泉之心,就如同山水间的林泉长新、长存,涌泉不绝。Thence, the "heart of woods and streams" can ever grow, ever exist and ever spring along with the woods and streams within the mountains and waters.