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这真是难为了老父。It was so hard for my dad.

别难为人了,还是把钱借给我们吧。Don't be difficult, just lend us the money.

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曾经桑田难为水,经过几番疼痛的感情经历后。Risks, Once, after a few comments after suffering emotional experience.

曾经沧海难为水,鱼香肉丝配鸡腿。Have sailed the seven seas water, fish-flavored pork with chicken drumstick.

化繁为简、化难为易,信心十足、必得信赖。Make hard things simple, be full of confidence and earn the trust of others.

长这麽帅真是难为,因为女孩子老是煞到我。It's so tough being handsome because girls always end up having a crush on me.

可能是一个内容管理系统,难为易,我们采用的是赞赏。Possibly a content management system, anything easy for us to use is appreciated.

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难为你们听我讲话。现在,老索乔纳没有什么别的话要说了。Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say.

出租车行驶到巴黎市中心时,车上的女士突然要解手,真难为出租车司机等候着她。It was kind of the taxi driver to wait for the lady who was taken short in the middle of Paris.

对有些新问题来说,若能使用该方法,则可使新问题化难为易,迎刃而解。To some problems, if can use this method, can make the problem is changed be a hard job to easy, be readily solved.

看着空荡荡的房间,柳细腰一下子跌坐门口,她晓得高家人难为了韩珊。Looking at the empty room, willow door, she sat down at a draught slender waist high HanShan family hard time for that.

违宪审查所包含的限权理念是难为人治社会所容忍的。The idea of limiting the power that is included in the constitutional review is difficult to be accepted by the person-ruling society.

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由于越来越难为管理岗位找到人选,三洋最近开始为那些临近30岁的员工举行强制性的职业培训。With management posts increasingly harder to fill, Sanyo recently started holding compulsory career-training retreats for workers turning 30.

从而使科研工作化难为易,并将测定的数值上升为理论,提高科研水平。In scientific research, it is very helpful to turn difficulties into convenience, the measured data will be raised to theory, improving its level.

本文介绍了如何从词源学角度入手,对解剖学难点名词进行剖析,以达到化难为易的解剖学教学目的。Through this essay, the author is in an attempt to analyze these difficult terms from the angle of their etymology aiming to make the teaching of human anatomy easier.

真难为预防艾滋病协会的工作人员了,为了编写如此“活色生香”的培训教材,他们想必花了不少力气吧。Making life difficult for the prevention of AIDS Society staff, and for the preparation of such "Live Flesh" training materials, they must have spent a lot of effort now.

在公安法学教学中使用专题讨论教学法,可以增强学习兴趣、化难为易、提高效率、学以致用。The use of symposium on teaching in the teaching of police act can enhance the interest and make difficult into easy and improve efficiency, apply what they have learned.

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如何帮助和引导同学们在学习中化难为易,更快更好地掌握新知识、新内容,就成为每个动物繁殖学教师必须很好地思考和解决的问题。How to help and guide students to turn difficult to easy, grasping new knowledge and content better and faster becomes the problem that should be considered by all teachers.

警方批准了对一个有九名成员的犯罪团伙的逮捕,这个团伙杀死一名有精神问题者,以其死于矿难为由来讹诈矿主。An arrest warrant was approved on Tuesday for nine members of a gang who killed a mentally-disabled man and then used his death as a pretext to extort money from a mine boss.

奥巴马表示,除非国会采取行动,否则美国人会发现越来越难得到房屋抵押贷款,越来越难为买汽车或者上大学贷款。Obama said unless there is congressional action, Americans will find it increasingly difficult to get a mortgage to buy a home or secure loans to buy a car or finance college.