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警方根据密报逮捕了毒品走私者。Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the drug smugglers.

狗仔队大多有一个线民网络,这些人会向这些摄影师密报某位名人何时会出现在某个地方。Most paparazzi have a network of informers who tell them when a celebrity will be at a certain place.

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这份密报也提到谷歌曾经请求美国政府的介入以为自己主持公道。The cable also noted that Google had asked the American government to intervene with China on its behalf.

在打赌者、投机者、密报者以及出售赛马情报者们的喧嚣声中我们无法听到开始的宣告。We couldn't hear the starting announcement above the hubbub of bettors, speculators, tipsters, and touts.

在打赌者、投机者、密报者以及出售赛马情报者们的喧嚣声中我们无法听到开始的宣告。We couldn´t hear the starting announcement above the hubbub of bettors, speculators, tipsters , and touts.

土耳其海关警察接到密报后,在阿姆巴利港口的一辆拖车上搜出了62.4公斤海洛因。Acting on a tip-off, Turkish Customs police searched a trailer at Ambarli port and found 62.4 kg of heroin.

安全力量表示,一份匿名密报引导他们来到这里,整个场地像足球场那么大。Security forces said an anonymous tip-off led them to the site which is almost the size of a football pitch.

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一匿名密报提供的信息引导警方来到一个公厕,他们在那儿找到了卷起来藏在管道里的三幅画。An anonymous tip led police to a public toilet, where they found all three paintings rolled up inside a tube.

警方接到密报有人抢银行,所以抢匪一到,立即遭到逮捕。The police were tipped off about the bank robbery, so they caught the robbers as soon as they entered the building.

7月阿联酋收到美国密报,截获了澳大利亚国家航运公司的一艘标记为巴哈马国制造的法国籍货船,该船的目的地是伊朗。In July, the French-owned, Bahamian-flagged ANL Australia bound for Iran was intercepted in the UAE after a US tip-off.

童山豪在雪中苏醒后爬了出来,他一步步爬到了鬼子的尸体旁,摸索出了他们身上的密报。Tong Shanhao wakes up in the snow after the climb out, step by step he climbed to the devil's corpse, find them tipped off.

“警察得到密报在政府办公地附近将有爆炸袭击,”警察少将普拉瓦特·塔沃恩斯里说。"The police were tipped off that there would be bomb attacks near Government House, " said Police Major General Prawut Thavornsiri.

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他接下来还提到,监狱内关键的密报人员也是为美国机构服务,以换取优厚的待遇。The narrative continues to say that within that prison, key informants also work for U.S. agents in exchange for preferential treatment.

一家名为SITE的私营情报公司上个月密报给美国说他们又获取了一段来自恐怖组织头目本拉登的录象.The private firm SITE Intelligence Group notified the White House last month that it had obtained a new video from terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

奈杰尔警官说,警方已经得到了60封关于其他一些罪犯的落脚处的密报,将在以后几个星期中开展围捕行动。Eastaugh said that as a result of the mailing, police had received 60 tip-offs on the whereabouts of other offenders who would be rounded up in the coming weeks.

获得汪精卫即将外逃消息的陈天放将该消息密报上峰,并从特战部抽调一支精英以备不测。Wang Jingwei is about to get the news of Chen Tianfang will be on the flight message tip, and from the special operations department deployed an elite for emergencies.

三中队的成功让县大队很多同志产生疑心,有人以为这是李彪私通林振海密报县大队战略行动的结果。Three squadron success made county brigade many comrades produce suspected, some people think that is LiBiao liaisons LinZhenHai tipsters county brigade strategic action results.

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检察官在一份声明中表示,来自荷兰情报与安全总局的一封密报称,一些索马里人打算近期在荷兰制造一次恐怖袭击。Prosecutors said in a statement that the tip-off from the Dutch security service reports that a number of Somalis were planning to carry out a terrorist attack in the Netherlands relatively soon.