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请把我再次留驻在你心尖。Keep me in Ur heart again.

淡淡的香气,荡漾在心尖之上。Faint aroma, rippling over the apex.

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从容的让我从心尖上发出尖叫。Easily make me to scream from my heart tip.

心尖搏动范围扩大,向左下移位。Aex beat enlargement and left-downward displacement.

心尖指向沃顿山,那里是珍妮特的故乡。The heart points towards Wotton Hill, where Janet is from.

典型体征为心尖区闻及喀喇音和收缩期杂音。The typical sign was audible click and systolic murmur in cardiac apex.

对于站在我心尖上的你,我只要说一句话,谢谢你。And so to you from the bottom of my heart, I wanna say one thing. Thank you.

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心脏破裂部位以前壁近心尖处多见。The site of cardiac rupture was more frequenfly located in anterior wall near the apex.

雾,如爱情,在山峰的心尖上跳舞,绽放种种美丽的惊喜。The mist , like love , dance upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty.

影像如果只是掉在地上砸不到任何人,除非它是从心尖上掉下来的。If the images fall to the ground, they won't fall on anybody unless they fall from one's heart.

心尖部位最响亮,病人处左侧卧位时听得最清楚。It is loudest at the apex and may be accentuated by placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position.

并没有在其余的患者发现别的肌节蛋白基因突变以造成其他家庭成员的心尖肥厚型心肌病。No other sarcomere gene mutations identified in the remaining probands caused apical HCM in other family members.

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左心室摄影呈现左心室前侧壁和心尖处收缩不良及心尖处血栓形成。The left ventriculogram demonstrated akinesia of anterolateral and apical segments with apical thrombus formation.

心表浅静脉有广泛的吻合,特别位于心尖、左缘和膈面。The anastomoses of superficial cardiac veins, especially in the apex, left margin and diaphragmatic surface were abundant.

暂时性左心室心尖气球变形症候群应该列入急性胸痛的鑑别诊断。Transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute chest pain.

结论心尖四腔观单平面面积-长度法测量RVEF可作为估测右室收缩功能的简单可靠的方法。Conclusions The measurement of RVEF applies a simple and reliable method in evaluating systolic function of right ventricle.

暂时性左心室心尖部气球变形症候群,是一种与急性心肌梗塞表现类似的少见症候群。Transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome is a rare cause of acute chest pain mimicking acute myocardial infarction.

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箭头指的是破裂部位,在左心室心尖部及室间隔梗死部。The white arrow marks the point of rupture in this anterior-inferior myocardial infarction of the left ventricular free wall and septum.

向心性肥厚组,心室形态趋向球形改变,室壁中间段与心尖段运动速度趋近于一致。In concentric hypertrophy the ventricular geometry changed to be spheric, the velocities of the middle and apical segments tended to be equal.

方法通过DTI-M型模式检测33例健康人心尖四腔观和二腔观二尖瓣环后瓣叶外侧缘的运动。Methods Mitral annular motion in 33 cases of normal subjects form apical four-chamber view and two-chamber view were detected with DTI-M mode.