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也许他太狭隘了。Maybe he was too narrow- minded.

头脑多么顽固,心胸多么狭隘的蠢家伙!What a pigheaded narrow-minded jerk!

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吃醋吧,你太狭隘。If you're jealous, she says it's bad.

不要思想狭隘或保守。Don't be narrow-minded or conservative.

你和所有宗派主义者同样狭隘。You are as bad as the other sectarians.

多年以来,就有“红脖子印第安人”——即那些观念狭隘保守的印第安人。There have been “Indian rednecks” for years.

年轻人通常对性的想法很狭隘。Young men usually have one-track mind about sex.

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伏案写作让我狭隘、短见。I had become narrow and short-sighted at my desk.

年轻人通常对车子的想法很狭隘。Young men usually have one-track mind about cars.

年轻人通常对女孩子的想法很狭隘。Young men usually have one-track mind about girls.

年轻人通常对运动的想法很狭隘。Young men usually have one-track mind about sports.

尽管如此,自然主义并不像它听起来那么狭隘。Still, naturalism is not as restrictive as it sounds.

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有薄浅狭隘的地方,就有罪恶与兽性。Where there is triviality, there is sin and animality.

年轻人通常对他们自己的想法很狭隘。Young men usually have one-track mind about themselves.

恐惧使我们心胸狭隘,我们经常会去羞辱其他人。Fear makes us narrow-minded and we tend to put down others.

我对这个过于狭隘的问题感到非常恼火。I get quite annoyed at this very narrow line of questioning.

物理学的普遍性意味着历史是狭隘的。The universality of physics means that history is provincial.

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旅行是克服偏见、自大、狭隘的最好方法。Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.

我们犯了狭隘的错误,抵制变革。We have been guilty of parochialism, of resistance to change.

他们对全球化经济的反对源于狭隘的民族主义。Their opposition to global economy a narrowminded nationalism.