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这是不足为奇的。This is nothing to be surprised at.

Fath的安拉的故事也就不足为奇了。Fath Allah's story is not surprising.

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它们渴望逃脱就不足为奇了。It's not surprising they want to escape.

用一句子表达黑体词他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。They, not surprisingly , did not respond at all.

太空科学家想法古怪是不足为奇的。Wacky ideas are commonplace among space scientists.

因此外来人员日益感到不安也就不足为奇了。No wonder that the migrants are increasingly restive.

这么多人牵涉其中,世上哪有不透风的墙,所以媒体知道了也不足为奇。So it is more than easy for the media to know the news.

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一个惊人的实验表明它是一套不足为奇。A set of amazing experiments reveals it was no surprise.

所以,有那么多不快乐的人是不足为奇的。No wonder there’s so many unhappy people running around.

不足为奇,那时信用卡公司觉得倍受打击。Little wonder, then, that card issuers feel shell-shocked.

这就不足为奇了。当然,这种教育会耗尽你一大笔钱财。This, of course, is in exchange for a chunk of your income.

系统是对称和全面的,这不足为奇。Not surprisingly, the system is symmetric and comprehensive.

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这种情况下,中国的住宅供应过剩也就不足为奇了。In this context, China's housing oversupply isn't surprising.

人情的冷漠已是不足为奇,尔虞我诈已是司空见惯!Human indifference is not surprising and intrigues are common!

宫崎骏会设计这样的建筑不足为奇。It’s no surprise to learn that Miyazaki designed the building.

所以,厄尔先生在每次跳伞训练前都恶心想吐就不足为奇了。Small wonder that Mr Cooley was sick before each training jump.

当它时,是在乐透,谁也就不足为奇羡慕。When it is when there is envy in the Lotto , who not surprising.

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这样一个高调的人将自己的人生看作是一场戏剧是不足为奇的。It's not surprising that such a showman sees his life as a drama.

生境丢失是这些植物的主要威胁,这不足为奇。Loss of habitat is, unsurprisingly, the main threat to the plants.

人权问题没有高踞盖特纳的议程,这不足为奇。Not surprisingly , human rights weren't high on Geithner's agenda.