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让那身穿着白色袈裟。Let the priest in surplice white.

你披上婚纱我披了袈裟!You covered wedding I grasped the cassocks!

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林平之捡了袈裟赶紧偷偷跑掉。Lin Pingzhi picked up cassock secretly run away quickly.

当你穿上了爱情的婚纱,我也披上了和尚的袈裟。When you put on love, wedding, and I donned a monk's cassock.

在菩萨的帮助下,孙悟空制服了黑熊怪,并最终要回了袈裟。She helped him defeat the black monster and finally acquired the cassock.

给固执穿上袈裟,沿着路途,一路西行,一路修行。To the stubborn wear robes, along the road, a road westbound, a practice.

当你穿上爱情的婚纱,我将披上僧侣的袈裟。When you put the marriage gauze of love, I will clothe monks of cassocks.

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桔红色的房屋,像披着鲜艳的袈裟的老僧,垂头合目,受着雨底洗礼。Like an old monk in a vivid cassock head dropped and eyes shut, is being baptized in the rain.

在我国,还有一个地藏菩萨袈裟围地的有趣传说。There was another interesting version about Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva occupying land with his patchwork.

可谁知这时来了只黑熊怪,他趁火劫走了袈裟。However, a black bear monster came out unexpectedly. He concealed the cassock under the shield of the fire.

可谁知这时来了只黑熊怪,他趁火劫走了袈裟。However, a black bear monster came out unexpectedly. He concealed the cassock under the shield of the fire.

他们对达赖喇叭亲睐有加,而后者用僧侣披戴的袈裟和谈笑风生的常识宣讲,掩盖其邪恶的分裂主义祸心。They fawn over the Dalai Lama, who cloaks his sinister splittist ends in monks' robes and jovial common-sense.

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孙悟空虽然惩罚了黑心的方丈,却再次弄丢了师傅的袈裟。Although the Monkey King had severely penalized the black-hearted abbot, he lost the master's cassock once again.

闻道身穿金丝袈裟,手捧金刚钵盂回到少林,方丈带人在寺门迎接他们的归来。Wen dao dressed in silk robes, holding kong alms bowl back to the shaolin temple, the abbot in temple door to welcome their back.

庙里的方丈热情地接待了他们,并请求借玄奘美丽的袈裟好好看一看,玄奘同意了。The abbot hospitably received them. He requested to borrow Xuan Zang's beautiful cassock to get a better look and Xuan Zang agreed.

有着繁冗雕刻的巴容庙位于在吴哥城的正中央,幽灵般的面孔围绕着寺庙窗口的两个穿藏红色袈裟的僧侣。Ghostlike faces surround two saffron-robed Buddhist monks in a window of the extravagantly carved Bayon, central temple of Angkor Thom.

在约旦河西岸的1967年中东战争,以色列占领了袈裟和东耶路撒冷,在这里一个独立的巴勒斯坦已经诞生。N. recognition of an independent "Palestine" in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, the areas Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war.

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慧能很同情那些杀死野生动物的猎人们,所以他脱掉袈裟,留起长头发,这样他看起来就不像个和尚。Huineng felt sorry for the hunters who kill wild animals, so he took off his robes and let his hair grow so he didn't look like a monk anymore.

事实上,自从2007年9月袈裟革命以来,军队高层在解决国家问题上就呈现出两种截然不同的方法。In fact, ever since the Saffron Revolution of September 2007, the military top brass have courted two different approaches in tackling the country's problems.

岳不群一个人看着林家的袈裟被宁中则发现了,宁中则说早就怀疑岳不群并质问他为什么要这么做。Yue not the cluster a person watching the lins cassock was better in the found, ning said had long suspected of yue not the cluster and questioned why he do it.