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那只狗于鹌鹑惊起。The dog flushed a quail.

我会变强硬,鹌鹑会变干涩。I get tough, quail get dry.

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他把打下的鹌鹑卖到集市上去。I went out to pop some quails.

鹌鹑在矮树丛里沙沙作响。Speckled quails rustled in the underbrush.

为了孩子能说会道,鹌鹑嫁给了鹦鹉。For the child glib, quail was married parrot.

公鹌鹑立刻大发脾气并朝母鹌鹑大叫起来。He immediately got angry and squawked at her.

这几天鹌鹑们思想很统一。Thesedays the quails have become very unified.

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不过要挑对新鲜鹌鹑,肉质要丰嫩,不然很容易干粗。It has to be fleshy or it dries out too easily.

这几天鹌鹑们变得很不一样了。These days the quails have become very unified.

野禽,猎鸟一种野生的猎鸟,如野鸭、野鹅或鹌鹑。A wild game bird, such as a duck, goose, or quail.

他同时也邀请了其他的鹌鹑参加了这次聚会。He also invited other quails to attend the meeting.

它们是我见过的最难堪的鹌鹑。They were the most bored-looking quail I've ever seen.

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一群动物,一群鸟一群动物或鸟,尤指云雀或鹌鹑。A group of animals or birds, especially larks or quail.

我不认为鹌鹑比企鹅长的更像枭兽。I do not think that quail like than penguin-long animal owl.

于是他召集了他的王国的上千只鹌鹑们。Then he called together his whole nation of a thousand quails.

鹌鹑伴鸭润入棒筒搭香韭野菇粉卷。Quail and Foie Gras Lollipops with Leek and wild Mushroom Cannelloni.

鹌鹑您一定是我们中年龄最大者,理应受到尊重。Sir quail, you must be the oldest. You deserve our respect and honor.

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这次,几只鹌鹑飞了进去,猫又将这些鹌鹑送给了国王。This time a brace of quails flew in, and he carried them to the King.

第二天,猎人照常利用叫声来引诱鹌鹑。The next day the hunter lured the quails with his quail call as usual.

吉莫迈步进了门,仿佛一条猎犬嗅到了鹌鹑的气味,一动不动了。Jim stepped inside the door, as immovable as a setter at the scent of quail.