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为四化而努力奋斗!Strive for the Four Modernizations!

有时候他四化分裂开他们。Sometimes he seemed to break them apart.

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思想政治工作是四化的催化剂。It is catalyst for the Four Modernizations.

我们要为四化尽一份力量。We must do our bit for the four modernizations.

要实现祖国的“四化”需要我们大家的共同努力。To realize the four modernization need our joint efforts.

每个人都察觉到了四化的重要性。Everybody is aware of the importance of the Four Modernizations.

学英语为四化,三基之一抓语法。Learn English for the four modernizations, one of the three-grasping grammar.

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今年我们在四化道路上大大地迈进了一步。This year we've made a big stride forward on the road of four modernizations.

对于湖南建设“四化两型”社会的重要意义。For the construction of hunan"four modernizations two type" social significance.

中国人民实现四化的时间定要到来。The time will surely come when the Chinese people will realize the four modernizations.

“这是建设祖国和实现四化的力量之源”又该怎译?It is the momentum for developing our motherland and fulfilling the four modernizations.

“新四化”也将为德国和欧洲对华合作提供巨大的空间。These endeavors will create huge opportunity for Germany and Europe's cooperation with China.

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秉承“四化”研发路线,联想围绕不同使用场景,为用户打造专属的智能设备。Adhering to the four modernizations development route, Lenovo around different usage scenarios, to create exclusive smart devices for users.

干部“四化”方针是我国杜会主义建设新时期党政人才资源开发的新方针,在实践中因各种原因面临着新挑战。Four Modernizations of our leaders" is a new principle in cultivating our human resources during the construction of our socialist countryside."

只有达到“四化战略”目标,中医医院才具有强大的竞争力,才能获取最大的经济和社会效益。Only when the strategic aims have been achieved can the TCM hospitals possess powerful competition and acquire more economic and social benefits.

论证了健康是智慧的基础以及终身体育在提高我国国民素质和“四化”建设中的重要作用。It prove that health is basis of wisdom, and lifelong physical education perfom a important function to enhance national quality and build four modermize.

对这个问题要清醒,要注意培养人,要按照“四化”标准,选拔德才兼备的人进班子。To be clear on this issue, need to cultivate people, according to the "four modernizations" standard, selection ability and political integrity of the people into the team.

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新中国成立以来,中国种子产业经历了计划经济“四自一辅”时期、改革开放“四化一供”时期和市场经济产业发展时期三个阶段。There have been three phases, which are planned economy period, reform and opening up period and market economy period, in the development of Chinese seed industry since 1949.

进一步完善党政人才选拔和任用中选拔性测评、激励和监督等机制是正确贯彻落实干部“四化”方针的重要保障。In real life, we face a lot problems and challenges, so we need to raise the evaluation standard, reward stimulation system and supervising system in the selection of our leaders.

当代的“新的人物”,应当包括献身于社会主义四化事业的属于工人阶级一部分的广大知识分子在内。The new figures of our time should include the broad intellectuals belonging to a part of the proletariat, who have been devoted to the socialist cause of the four modernizations.