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“这我都知道,”汤姆怏怏不快地说。"I know all that, " said Tom, displeased.

没有人听得见我,愈合我病怏怏的心,我。No one to hear me, to heal my ill heart, I.

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这就像在恐惧中冒出的冷汗,使他感到怏怏不快。It felt unpleasantly like the sweat of fear.

他病怏怏的,干活时一点力气都没有。He is so ill that he has no strength to work.

但经济活动看起来仍是病怏怏的模样.However, the economy continues to look sickly.

放在厨房的植物细细的,一副病怏怏的模样,几乎没有长大。The kitchen plant was leggy and sick-looking, and it hadn't grown at all.

漂亮的女子总是病怏怏的,真像个病西施。This beautiful girl always looks ill, which makes her even more charming.

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从现在的各项经济统计数据来看,中国正在发展壮大,而美国则多少有些病怏怏的。What we see in the numbers today are a growing China and a somewhat ailing America.

另外那些个子不够高,太瘦或者病怏怏的人也得另选其他交通工具。Anyone who is too short, too thin or too sickly will also have to seek alternative transport.

在那里的田野里,Mila注意到了塔罗树的黄色叶子及病怏怏的样子。Mila has noticed the yellow leaves and the sick looking plants in the tarot fields of Hanalei.

如果我在偏头痛刚发作的时候没有察觉身体不对劲,之后就可能好几天都病怏怏的。"If I don't catch mine right at the beginning, I can be down for a couple of days, " she says.

他们的脸藏在一块蒙头巾的黑色面罩里,只露出两只病怏怏的亮黄色眼睛。Their faces are concealed within the dark folds of a cowl, from which peer their sickly glowing yellow eyes.

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在我们以前拜访的另一处村庄里,人们成群结队的要和我们“达谷”,但在这里只有几个人出来招呼我们,病怏怏的部落酋长也一直呆在自己的小木屋里。In the other villages we'd visited, people would flock out for dagu. But here just a few people came out to greet us.

有些人说那些乐呵的胖人的生活是一个谜。他们都是些有点神经质,显得病怏怏,而又悲伤的人。Some people say the business about the jolly fat person is a myth, that all of us chubbies are neurotic, sick, sad people.

实际上,雄雀比较喜欢和看上去病怏怏的雄性同类一起抢食。Because a study in the journal Biology Letters shows that male finches actually prefer feeding near males who are visibly ill.

她原本是一个病怏怏有残疾的孩子,但通过巨大的毅力和自律,将自己蜕变为世界级跑步选手。She was a sickly, crippled child who turned herself into a world-class runner through tremendous determination and discipline.

这样,你整体的新陈代谢都会保持在最佳的状态,就不会因为节食而感觉自己总是病怏怏的,并且一直保持健康。This keeps your total metabolism in optimum conditions, you don't feel sick all the time because you didn't eat and you still stay on the road to health.

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“在此之上我们还有这些妈妈的最可靠的联系方式”归根到底,她说,“一个捐赠母乳的妈妈不会愿意为一个病怏怏的宝宝负责的。”"On top of that we have the first-hand contact with the moms to see. " Ultimately, she says, "A mom donating milk doesn't want to be responsible for a sick baby.

不管怎样,最近宣布与中国一起开发两个特别行政区会可能就是这个病怏怏国度大变革开启的一个信号。All the same, the recent announcement that two special economic zones will be developed with the co-operation of China might just signal the start of a big change for the stricken country.

见到有人来了,两只秃鹫腾空而起,在半空里盘旋,最后见无机可趁,于是怏怏的飞走了。See someone come, two cinereous vulture Tengs get empty but rise, empty in the half in hover around, finally seeing have no machine can take advantage o, hence the flying of Yang Yang walked.