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我飞快的往头上盖上一块黑色方巾,拼命跑到楼下。I threw a chador over my head as fast as I could and rushed downstairs.

我穿着从美术室拿来的工作服,把用方巾盖着头发。I was wearing a smock from the art room, and had my hair tucked into a kerchief.

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主看台满是穿着绉条布衣服、背带裤、佩戴装饰方巾的男士们。The grandstand was filled with men in seersucker suits, braces and pocket squares.

不管你是否穿着法式袖口和链扣,你都应该戴上口袋方巾。Whether or not you wear a French cuff or cuff links, you ought to wear a pocket square.

我揭开小灯泡上的红色大方巾然后我们斟了酒并一起围坐着聊天。I turned on the little red bandana dimbulb and we poured wine and all sat around talking.

试着戴上男性的腰带,在口袋里放一个丝绸方巾或是穿上他舒适的开襟羊毛衫。Try on a man’s belt, stash a silk square into your pocket or slip into his cozy6 cardigan.

试着戴上男性的腰带,在口袋里放一个丝绸方巾或是穿上他舒适的开襟羊毛衫。Try on a man’s belt, stash a silk squareinto your pocket or slip into his cozy 6 cardigan.

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一粒扣的紧身西服会成为主流趋势,西服口袋装的丝手帕或白方巾这些小件也是如此。One-button fastenings are a key trend, as are details such a silk pocket hanky or white pocket square.

被杀死的真主党士兵头上戴着方巾,上面印着“进军耶路撒冷”。Some of its men who were killed were wearing kerchiefs with the words "Onward to Jerusalem" printed on them.

本机为复卷打孔卫生纸机、方巾纸机的辅助设备。This is the axial machine for rewinding & perforating toilet paper machine and diamonds of washcloth machine.

此时此刻,隐藏在你的方巾是一个引擎,其潜力远远超过它目前的表现。At this very moment, lurking under your hood is an engine whose potential far outstrips its current performance.

清朝以前,汉族人都束起头发并用方巾包裹。Before Qing Dynasty, people of Han nationality had all along bound their hair and wrapped them up with kerchiefs.

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有了这个理念,别害怕学习叠方巾,别害怕给你的服装增加高雅元素。With this in mind, don’t be afraid to learn how to fold a pocket square and add a touch of class to your wardrobe.

因昆明人员及库存的调动问题,小店中小方巾、长围巾暂时无法在网上订购。Due to the problem of goods in stock in Kunming, Yunnan, the scarves in Category A and B cannot be ordered online at present.

我公司生产、销售毛巾、浴巾、方巾、童巾、枕巾、超细纤维毛巾等产品。My company produces, sells towels, bath towels, hand towel, children towel, pillow covers, microfiber towels and other products.

宛如两种不同文化之间的桥梁,真丝方巾“途径巴黎”被展现在中国与西方书法之间。Like a bridge between two cultures, the scarf De passage à Paris is on exhibition with a mix of Chinese and Western calligraphies.

轻量级方巾将放置超过你的脸,令细菌出您的眼睛,但会有一个空间,让您呼吸通过。Lightweight drapes will be placed over your face to keep germs out of your eye but there will be a space for you to breathe through.

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介绍了棉方巾布圆网防染印花的生产条件、工艺流程、处方及印花工序中的注意事项。Production conditions, process flow, recipes and remarks of resist printing of cotton square scarf with rotary screen are discussed.

配上装饰方巾,别针徽章或者是有不同纹理的领带给单调的衣服增加装饰和颜色。Accessorise with a pocket square, lapel pins and ties with different textures to add pattern and colour to an otherwise monochromatic look.

星期天罗安达当地天气炎热,教皇本笃用方巾擦去额头上的汗水,会场里也有几百人中暑,他们接受了医务工作者的治疗。The pontiff wiped sweat from his brow with a handkerchief on a day when health workers treated several hundred of those in attendance for heat stroke.