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我们都是自家人嘛。We are not guests here.

这是自家酿造的啤酒。This is home-brewed beer.

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心是以自家为宅宇。The mind is its own place.

公鸡只会在自家粪堆上显威。A cock is bold on his dunghill.

一些朋友就像自家人一样。Some friends are just like family.

在自家客厅用油漆画一个停车位。Paint a parking space in the living room.

自家粪堆上,公鸡叫得响。Every cock crows loud on his own dunghill.

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贝尔坐在自家屋顶上乐滋滋地唱歌。Bell sitting on his roof, sings delightedly.

特纳一家给自家房屋保了火险。The Turners insured their house against fire.

试着不在自家以外的地方喝醉。Try never to get drunk outside your own house.

他们把我当作自家人。They considered me as a member of their family.

他们把我们作自家人看待。They looked upon us as belonging to the family.

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你在自家花园里都种些什么?What sort of things do you grow in your garden?

实际上我们在自家的房子里也有闸刀。We actually have a tame guillotine in our house.

他在自家的院子里开辟了一小块菜圃。He cleared a little vegetable garden in his yard.

他们都把他看作是自家人。They all look on him as a member of their family.

我所有的朋友都喜欢我妈自家做的南瓜饼。All my friends like my mother homemade pumpkin pie.

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没有人愿意在自家主场要遭到自家球迷的嘘声。Nobody wants to be booed at home by the home crowd.

不甘示弱的徐某说出自家的地址。Not to be outdone, the Xu family to say the address.

她总把我们当做自家人。She always considers us as the members of her family.