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分蓄洪区是平原防洪的一种重要措施。Flood diversion and storage areas are very important to flood control.

洞庭湖蓄洪能力具有重要的意义。The capacity of flood storage in Dongting Lake is of great significance.

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淮河中游行蓄洪区进洪频繁,一直是治淮的难点和重点。Flood has affected the regions for floodway and flood retention in the middle Huaihe River frequently.

建造及营办一个面积约12公顷蓄洪池的附属设施。Construction and operation of ancillary facilities of a flood storage pond of approximately 12 ha. in size.

有些分蓄洪区的工程建设尚未达到规划设计要求。The engineering construction for some flood diversion and storage areas has not met the planning and design requirements.

它具有挡洪、蓄洪、行洪、退洪及反向进洪的功能。It has functions such as blocking flood, storing flood, discharging flood, retreating flood and inversed discharging flood.

当蓄洪量较大时,有控险措施的泡沼蓄洪风险损失明显小于无控险措施的泡沼蓄洪风险损失。When the flood storage is large, the risk loss with control measures is obviously smaller than that without control measures.

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在分蓄洪区就近高地和重点垸年建设集中居民点和小城镇。Residential quarters and small towns will be built on highlands and major dyke- enclosed places in flood-water discharge areas.

淮河蓄滞洪区承担着滞蓄洪水和居民生存发展的双重作用。Flood retention area in the Huai River Basin has dual functions of storing water as well as providing living spaces for the people.

以淮河大堤城西湖蓄洪堤为例,详细介绍了垂直铺塑防渗技术的施工事宜及其应用效果。Taking the example of huaihe River dam, anti-seepage technique by laying plastic vertically and the application effect are introduced.

在只发生汶河洪水时不启用西区蓄洪,减小移民迁安几率。When only has the Wen River flood west does not begin using the area to store floodwater , reduces immigrates the immigrant probability.

为了解决农业、民生与工业用水之需,多兴建水库坝堰等储水设施以蓄洪济枯,并确保水源能稳定供应。Many facilities such as reservoir, dam and weir were built to ensure the stability of demand in agricultural irrigation and water supply.

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在雨季,周边的雨水会汇到河道里,跟以往相比,这个项目中我们提供更大尺度的蓄洪储水空间,满足了防洪的功能。You can see how the design works during storm events. In this project, you can see we provide much more water retention space than it was before.

本文将通过平面二维水流数学模型来研究分蓄洪区口门的流量变化规律。In this paper, the horizontal 2-D numerical model is applied to model the rule of discharge variation at the entrance of the flood diversion area.

洞庭湖蓄洪的能力关系到缓和洞庭湖自身流域的洪峰压力,同时也关系到缓和长江下游的洪水水位。The capacity of flood storage in Dongting Lake is directly relationship with the alleviation of flood pressure coming from Xiang Zi Yun Li Rivers.

黄河发生洪水时,在运用东平湖蓄洪的情况下,可按照兴利调度方案予以利用。When Yellow River has the flood, in situation which stores floodwater using Dongping Lake, may defer to is popular the advantage dispatch plan to use.

计划主要沿乡村兴建基堤防止洪水涌入乡村,村内雨水则由蓄洪池收集,然后再泵出基堤外的主要河道。The schemes provide an earth bund around the village and collect water in a flood storage pond for pumping into the drainage channels outside the bund.

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模型提出了实时预报模式、河网断流计算模式、河道与分蓄洪区水量交换模式。And it processed the real-time prediction model, the water interception model of river network and the model of water-exchange in river and diversion area.

然而随着近些年的经济发展,各行蓄洪区经济的差异使确定目标函数存在一定困难。But with the rapid progress of economy, it is difficult to choose the objective function because of the economic difference among the flood diversion works.

本文将蓄洪区灾民撤退过程置于一定的时空域中加以考查,对撤退过程进行定位、定量的空间动态分析模拟。Based on the spatial and temporal characteristics of retreating process of the victim residents, the paper analyse and simulate the resident retreating process.