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雄心壮志使他意气风发。His ambition goaded him on.

他的雄心壮志被岁月慢慢磨掉了。His lofty ideas were nibbled by years.

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但是,也许贝宝是最有雄心壮志的。But perhaps nobody is as ambitious as PayPal.

他是个懒骨头,一点雄心壮志打死都没有。He is a lazybones with no ambition whatsoever.

他们认识不到我会实现任何雄心壮志。They do not realize I can fulfil any ambition.

这可能需要雄心壮志,然而是可以做到的。This may require you to think big, but it can be done.

他成功了,因为他有雄心壮志,还有宽广的胸襟。He succeeded because of his ambition and generous spirit.

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他成功是因为他的雄心壮志和慷慨的精神。He successed because of his ambition and generous spirit.

雄心壮志是一切乐成买卖人的配合特点。Ambition is a characteristic of all successful businessmen.

雄心壮志就像洪流,从不后退。——塞缪尔约翰森。Ambition like a torrent never looks back. ----Samuel Johnson.

被投入大牢,但他的雄心壮志是关不住的。Li Yuhe was put into the prison, but his ambition was unchained.

相比较而言,艾里克是她见到的最没有雄心壮志的人。By comparison, Alec was the least ambitious man she had ever met.

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当上总统后,他不断地向这个雄心壮志的愿望单上添加细节。As president, he keeps adding details to this ambitious wish-list.

此外,不管他多么雄心壮志,他可能太虚弱而不能大展宏图。In addition, no matter how ambitious, he may be too weak to succeed.

他虽然很年轻,但是在研究工作中很有雄心壮志。Although he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work.

多少雄心壮志已在失败的阴影下逐渐枯竭了。Her ambitions had shrunk gradually in the desiccating air of failure.

喜剧片的成功激发了柯蒂斯进军剧情片的雄心壮志。Success in comedy kindled Mr. Curtis’s ambitions as a dramatic actor.

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为了集体的成就,这儿的每个人都放弃了个人的雄心壮志。Everyone here submerges his personal ambitions for the common achievement.

今天,雄心壮志的年轻人进入艺术院校进修好比撞上一堵墙。Right now, ambitious kids going to art school run smack into a brick wall.

即使不计他此番挑战所依赖的上述思维混乱,此举好歹也是雄心壮志。That would be ambitious even without the muddle that underpins his challenge.