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消灭所有巢穴。Destroy all Lairs.

狗追狐狸到其巢穴。The fox elude the dog.

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那只虎退回巢穴。The tiger retired to its den.

他们追踪狐狸直抵巢穴。They traced the fox to its den.

狗追狐狸到其巢穴。The dog traced a fox to its den.

猎人用狗把鸟赶出巢穴。Hunters use dogs to put up birds.

所有的小生灵都躲在巢穴里冬眠。All animals are smothered in their lairs.

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雄性红鱼负责建造巢穴。It's the male garibaldi who makes the nest.

在怒涛中,鸟妈妈安坐在她的巢穴中——如此和谐安宁。In the bush a mother bird had built her nest.

他们匆匆地往刚盖好的巢穴里爬。And they scrambled into their newly built lodge.

要想在毒蛇的巢穴中生存,你就必须以毒攻毒。Inside the viper's nest, you must be viper, too.

它逃回到它在荒野中的巢穴中,死在了那里。He slinks back to his lair in the moors and dies.

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三月中燕子已经筑好了它的巢穴。In March lunar swallows have got their nests ready.

望了望四周,跳到屋板上,朝着自己的巢穴走去。Looked around, jump house board, towards their walk.

体型稍大的雌鱼会在离开巢穴在附近休息。The bigger females tend to hang out and rest nearby.

卓耿巢穴外的涌泉池内还有小鱼。There were fish in the spring-fed pool by Drogon's cave.

天亮了,乌鸦飞回他们的巢穴。Light thickens, and the CrowMakes Wing to th' Rookie Wood.

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巢穴土丘巡逻蚂蚁或许也评估溼度和气温。Nest mound patrollers may assess humidity and temperature.

峡谷壁上到处是巨大的鸟身人巢穴和鸟粪。The canyon walls are lined with giant harpy nests and guano.

更多阴谋者和破坏者的巢穴被揭发。More nests of conspirators and saboteurs have been uncovered.