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我们救世军能够抹平朝鲜。Our Salvation Army could whoop N. Korea.

剩下的就托付给救世军吧。Give away the rest to the Salvation Army.

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芭芭拉Undershaft要求对她的工作,救世军。Undershaft asks Barbara about her work at the Salvation Army.

救世军从哪一年开始在新加坡展开活动?In what year did the Salvation Army commence operations in Singapore?

最大的机构之二包括谷德维尔和救世军。Two of the largest organizations include Goodwill and The Salvation Army.

救世军铜管乐队,弦乐功放音箱,和声乐群体存在,世界各地。Salvation Army brass bands, string combos, and vocal groups exist the world over.

查一下当地你的哥哥姐姐组织、救世军或者善念机构。Check your local Big Brothers Big Sisters, Salvation Army, or Goodwill Industries.

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多余的衣服和家具,捐给朋友,或者捐给救世军更好。Donate extra clothes and furniture to friends, or even better, the Salvation Army.

我们急急忙忙走进商店,在经过救世军敲钟人的时候,我们低下了头。We hurried into the store past the Salvation army bell ringer with our heads down.

我女儿搬家时,她将把不要的东西送给救世军。When my daughter moves, she will give her flotsam and jetsam to the Salvation Army.

救世军已在其898家庭护理,包括1500名儿童在今年。The Salvation Army has 898 families in its care this year, including 1,500 children.

去年,华盛顿特区救世军组织的二手货商店接收到的物品也少于往年。The Salvation Army's thrift store is another place that saw fewer donations last year.

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另外,救世军成员也是康复治疗项目中的特有部分。In addition, Salvation Army staff is typically part of the rehabilitation program as well.

救世军组织的官员表示,在经济不景气的时候,人们通常不会轻易把旧东西送出去。Salvation Army officials say during hard times people tend to hang on to old items longer.

你可以谈谈基督救世军的“勤俭仓库”①、也可以翻翻屋子、找材料做个募捐箱。You can talk about thrift stores and go through the house gathering items for a donation box.

路遇两个圣诞老人和一个救世军领队,她的钱减少了十元,但这又怎样呢?Two Santas and one Salvation Army captain and she was minus ten dollars but what did it matter?

附近「基督教救世军」的女义工利用钢盔炸甜甜圈,预备送给那些阿兵哥吃。Nearby, female volunteers from the Salvation Army fried doughnuts in steel helmets for the soldiers.

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老旧或破损的家具,还有烧黑了的锅碗瓢盆,大多都是连救世军都不愿收的东西。Their used and half broken tables and chairs, burnt pots and pans. Items even Goodwill may not accept.

然后你可以带着孩子把募捐箱放到到当地救世军的“勤俭仓库”,或是购买那里募款义卖的物品②。Then you can take the kids to your local Salvation Army thrift store to drop the box off and shop, too.

无人认领的失物存放在那里30-90天,然后大多数被捐赠给救世军,麦克唐纳说。Unclaimed items stay there 30 to 90 days, and the majority is then donated to the Salvation Army, McDonald says.