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一种方法便是呈现One is preference.

酒体呈现黄绿色。Yellow green in color.

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就没有别个可以呈现?That we can show to-day?

这是呈现吸引力的死穴!This is ATTRACTION DEATH!

呈现刘星的一家。Present Liu Xing's family.

更多这个主题马上呈现。More on this theme shortly.

剂量存活曲线呈现-“肩区”。The dose survival curve of E.

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浪漫嫁期为你呈现完美婚礼!RMT, perfect for your wedding!

却仅呈现为他自身的幻影?Appears a simulacrum of his own.

只不过呈现两种深浅不同的灰色only two different shades of gray

你的工作整洁地呈现了吗?。Has your work been present neatly?

你已经进入了”未呈现“。You have entered the Unmanifested.

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到处呈现一片兴旺景象。Everywhere is a scene of prosperity.

我的家乡呈现一片新貌。My hometown has taken on a new look.

这灿烂新的一天将呈现。This shining un-used day will bring.

呈现给各位,这就是我们一路走来的坚持。To get here, this is the back-story.

它是嫉妒的呈现,人类。It's excessive embodiment, the human.

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为什么它能跳出页面呈现在你面前?Why does it jump off the page at you?

他的舌头呈现黑色,和菲利布特一样。His tongue is black, like Philibert's.

杂质泵试运转时呈现的泄漏。Impurity pump leak when commissioning.