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玛丽出生在古巴,两岁时举家搬迁到迈阿密市。Anybody in Cuba can get Miami on his radio.

我非常了解宜兴这个地方。我两岁的时候就举家搬来了,并且从那时起就住在这。I Yixing very. I here my family when I was two years old and here.

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1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克•怀兹的胡迪尼……举家搬迁。Born as erik weisz in hungary in 1874 houdini moved with his family.

1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克•怀兹的胡迪尼……举家搬迁。Born as er ik weisz in hungary in 1874 houdini moved with his family.

这对爱子心切的父母更是为了女儿更好的发展,举家搬迁到洛杉矶。The loving parents did so and moved to LA for her better development.

有些人有小孩,认为举家搬离纽约是保护孩子的最好方法。Some had young children, and saw moving as the best way to protect them.

但是桑德尔的孩子还太小,他对举家搬到中国生活有顾虑。But Mr. Sandell has small children and was concerned about the move, he said.

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因此,我们举家迁往丹佛市外深山高岭中的一座小镇。And so my family moved to a tiny town high up in the mountains outside Denver.

为了让他跟随萨尔茨曼学习,拉阿巴斯举家迁移到一个临近特拉维夫的社区。To allow him to study with her, the family moved to a community near Tel Aviv.

我们再也没有回往,而是举家迁往离河很远的辛辛那提四周的另一幢屋子。We never went back. Instead, we moved to a house near Cincinnati, far from the river.

如果你是举家再访,有时候你甚至能免费进去。they even have days that you can get in for free for family revisiting and you can go in.

我以前在泰国清迈遇到过一对父母和5个6-16岁孩子的英国家庭举家出游。I met a British family, 5 kids aged 6-16 and their Parents, on the train up to Chiang Mai.

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为了这个职位,他从俄亥俄州举家搬迁到密苏里州,并且买了一幢房子。He had relocated his family for the position from Ohio to Missouri, where he bought a home.

1932年举家移居苏州网狮园,潜心作画。In 1932 his family moved to Lions Park, Suzhou, network, painting with great concentration.

冯建中,出生于非洲马达加斯家岛,十三岁举家回港。John Fung was born in Madagascar, Africa. His family moved back to Hong Kong when he was 13.

这种汽车,举家出游不嫌小,个人驾驶不嫌大,维护保养又方便。It will be large enough for the family but small enough for the individual to run and care for.

1784年,泰勒出生在弗吉尼亚州,不久,由于举家搬迁,泰勒来到了肯塔基,并在父亲的种植园里长大。He was born in Virginia in 1784 and taken as an infant to Kentucky to be raised on a plantation.

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对了,听说日本人赏花会一家老少举家出游,还真想看看日本家庭的聚会生活。Therefore, Sakura viewing could be regarded as a traditional outing of Japanese people in spring.

1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克‧怀兹的胡迪尼,四岁时便举家搬迁至美国居住。Born as Erik Weisz in Hungary in 1874, Houdini moved with his family to America at the age of four.

罗素·克洛于1964年4月7日出生在新西兰,四岁时举家迁至澳大利亚。Born in New Zealand on April 7th, 1964, Russell and his family moved to Australia when he was four.