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欢迎来到我的陋室。Welcome to my humble abode.

这就是我居住的陋室。Here's the place where I'm kenneled.

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你的微笑使得陋室生辉。Your smile just brightens up the room.

一幢幢的房子傲然矗立在一度只是破败陋室的地方。White houses prank where once were huts.

这座颓废的城市,生活在这破败的陋室里。In this decadent city, living in a rattrap.

神常在陋室中,而不常在富丽的皇宫中。God is oftener in little huts than in rich palaces.

一吻或许崇高但却付不了你陋室的租金A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat

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身居陋室,整日作画,他对此已经非常满意了。He is perfectly content to live in a simple room and to paint all day.

身居陋室,整日作画,他对此已经心满意足。Eg. He is perfectly content to live in a simple room and to paint pictures all days.

即使身居陋室,同样可以享受到愉悦,激动,荣耀的时光。You may perhaps have some pleasant, exciting, or glorious hours, even in a poor house.

有能力拥有自己的房屋是人类最基本的需求之一,不管这所房屋是个茅草顶的陋室。Affordable shelter is one of the most basic human needs, whether home is a palm-thatched hut.

这张照片照于1992年,在照照片不久后,这间小陋室边因为一个共用炉子造成的火灾而倒塌。The photo was taken in 1992 and shortly after the shack burned down in one of the common stop fires.

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这张照片照于1992年,在照照片不久后,这间小陋室边因为一个共用炉子造成的火灾而倒塌。The photo was taken in 1992 and shortly after the shack burned down in one of the common stove fires.

低收入人群居住在更靠近海滩的地方,穷人则住在满是木屋和陋室的乡镇。Lower income people live closer to the beach, with the poorer residing in townships full of wooden homes and shacks.

2009年3月11日—在13年的时间里,Oy从居住在一间陋室发展到拥有一座房子并在泰国农村耕种她自己的土地。March 11, 2009—In 13 years, Oy went from living in a shack to owning a house and farming her own land in rural Thailand.

而智者,居陋室而自娱,无得失而自乐,他们珍惜自己所拥有的一切。But a wise man, reside humble room but amuse oneself, have no gain and loss but from joy, they cherish oneself to own of everything.

市园林处果断决定,拆除杂物房,让这些身居“陋室”的“宝贝”重焕光彩。Municipality park resolute decision, tore down dopant house, make these bodies resided the heavy Huan sparkle of"baby" of "humble room".

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严厉的环境法让濒临绝种的蝴蝶受惠,却让房屋建造严重延迟,使身居陋室的南非人处境更为艰难。Strict environmental laws cause long delays in building homes.This is nice for endangered butterflies, but tough for South Africans who live in shacks.

数以百万的印尼人在城市贫民窟或乡下的破屋陋室中过着极度贫困的生活。A tiny number of Indonesians are among the richest people in Asia while millions live in dire poverty in urban slums or shanty towns in the countryside.

灯红酒绿,纸醉金迷,眩目的霓虹灯掩盖不了陋室处处。The feasting, revelries, luxuries and dazzling neon lamps of that era could not gloss over the sprawling slums and abject poverty of most Shanghai residents.