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强调你自己妖娆女人的身段。Accentuate your curves and womanly body.

分外妖娆,冬的味道。The taste of winter grow more enchanting.

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你,记不记得我掌心妖娆哀艳的花朵?Will you remember the flowers in my hand?

说春的妖娆和秋天的饶丰。Speak of the spring, and foison of the year.

五月,因为劳动者而分外妖娆。In May, as workers and especially enchanting.

冰雪覆盖的世界分外妖娆。The world of ice and snow especially enchanting.

妖娆了一春艳丽,冰凉了一季心伤。Enchanting a bright cold spring, a season of pain.

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在阴霾天空下,陵园里分外妖娆娇艳的月季。The delicate and charming China rose in the tomb garden.

爱上了在无数次的呼唤中,静待彼岸花开的妖娆。Love in the times calling for shore, blooming enchanting.

怜恨未露展妖娆,莫爱难求三分愁。I hate not dew exhibition enchanting, love to three points.

是否,你的舞姿比月下的牡丹更加妖娆?Whether your dancing than the moon, the peony more enchanting?

春日照耀下的花朵分外的妖娆。Flowers in the spring sunshine are much more beautiful than ever.

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因为有了您的加入,东方之珠才更显她的妖娆!Because of you join, Pearl of the Orient was even more of her enchanting!

妖娆的妩媚一笑,注定是我此生离不开的毒药。Enchanting charm of a smile, I this lifetime is destined to be not poison.

信江河两岸的上饶,分外妖娆。Shangrao beside the both sides of Xinjiang River is especially enchanting.

奈何桥下的罂粟花依然美丽,黄泉路上的玫瑰花依然妖娆。What is the poppy is still beautiful, enchanting rose still lives on the road.

说实话,起初我并不喜欢她,感觉她太妖娆了。To tell you the truth, I did not like her. I thought she was too much enchanting.

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爱尔兰多雨湿润,因而青山翠绿,分外妖娆。Ireland is a very rainy country, so the hills are bright green and lovely looking.

一个人在舞台上,快乐歌唱,悲伤舞蹈,虽然冷清,却分外妖娆。A person on the stage, singing happy, sad dance, deserted, but grow more enchanting.

心情好时,思念是一种美好,犹如天空绽放的焰火,美丽妖娆。Good mood, thinking is a beautiful, blooming like the sky, fireworks, beautiful enchanting.