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只有心存梦想,方能豪情万丈。Only has dream can has lofty sentiments.

高楼万丈平地起。High buildings rise from the flat ground.

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你现在还和从前一样豪情万丈吗?Q.Are you as enthusiastic now as you were?

向着新中国发出万丈光芒!It sheds bright radiance over all new China.

我曾见识过外太空波澜万丈的神奇事物。I have seen amazing things out there in space.

他的反驳使老板怒火万丈。His retortion sent the boss to go up in the air.

我有一个年轻与雄心万丈的中国朋友。I have a very young and ambitious Chinese friend.

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而晓东的行动更激汤出万丈波澜。And Sheldon is action more cream soup out of light waves.

那时夜空昏仄,掌心却触摸到了万丈光芒。The flat of your hand touched rays of light at dim night.

一片一片地积,万丈雪层深似山。One flake and then another , and the deepest snow is laid.

但它永远无法阻挡清晨的万丈光芒!But it will never overcome the radiant light of the morning.

今后我们希望着手达致的目标,同样是雄心万丈的。What we still hope to achieve together is no less ambitious.

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我注视万丈光芒在天国之门的黑暗里闪耀。I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tannhäuser Gate.

万丈光芒在天堂之门的黑暗里闪耀。I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.

我很高兴能来到这儿,在万丈光芒下。I'm excited about being there, being under those bright lights.

向着新中国发出万丈光芒!Turns towards new China to send out ten thousand ten feet rays!

一回头发现早已踏出了红尘万丈!Turn head found already stepped out of the world of mortals miles-rock!

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老鼠怒火万丈,在路上又蹦又跳。The Rat danced up and down in the road, simply transported with passion.

于群山间升起,光辉万丈之精灵,汝之门为吾而启!Spirit Who rises between the Mountains with splendour, Open Thy Gate to me!

你的胸中豪情万丈,如层云跌宕起伏,你微微一笑,别了,我的上帝!Your chest lofty, such as stratus ups and downs, your smile, do not, my God!