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吃点橘子吧!Have some tangerines.

他们需要多弄一点橘子酱。They need more marmalade.

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这些城市包括了塔科马、加州的圣荷塞和橘子郡。and Orange County, Calif.

这是一个橘子罐头。This is a can of or'anges.

我喜欢啤酒,不喜欢橘子水。I prefer beer to orangeade.

他为她剥橘子的皮。He peeled an orange for her.

他买了多少个橘子?How many oranges did he buy?

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谢谢,请叫橘子水吧。Orangeade please, thank you.

你要橘子水吗?。Would you like some orange ?

我买了一篮子橘子。I bought a basket of oranges.

这里有我最喜欢的橘子。Here's my favourite tangerine.

那些小橘子很甜。Those small oranges are sweet.

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我们买多少个橘子?How many oranges should we buy?

我想要一罐橘子酱。I would like a jar of marmalade.

这些橘子是谁买的?。By whom were these oranges bought?

这里有两个橘子和一些牛嬭。Here are two oranges and some milk.

南茜出去买些橘子。Nancy went out to buy some oranges.

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我买了很多橘子和苹果。I bought lots of oranges and apples.

我们女儿喜欢吃中国的橘子。Our daughter loves mandarin oranges.

是的,我们有橘子和柳柑。Yes, we have oranges and tangerines.