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这就是人心惶惶的真正的原因。That’s the real reason to be afraid.

全村很快便人心惶惶了。Fear spread quickly through the village.

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这一周,我们过的心惊胆战,我们个个都人心惶惶。This week, we've frightened, we have everybody panic.

即便雾灾席卷伦敦,弄得人心惶惶,但对于它的源头却没有做及时的整治。While the fog horrified London, very little was done about its source.

人心惶惶,不过人们却...,那时出现了婴儿潮People got really scared, but what they did was they -this was the Baby Boom.

村民们当即就开始恐慌和骚动,弄得人心惶惶。The villagers right away start dismay and disturbance and make popular agitated.

一整天,人心惶惶,不敢跟人打招呼,迈半步回一下头。All day long, panic, dare not to greet people, Wallace half step back for a moment.

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而央行至今还未能找到一个行之有效的方案,这导致股票和外汇市场中人心惶惶。Equity and currency markets are jittery as central bankers seek a lasting solution.

据说公司要裁员了,大家全都人心惶惶。It is said that the company is going to downsize staff, everyone is feeling anxious.

广东新增甲流死亡病例,人心惶惶,又是一场无硝烟的战场。A flow of new deaths in Guangdong, panic, but also is a non-smoke of the battlefield.

塑化剂风暴真让人人心惶惶,好多东西里都有。This plasticizer scare has everyone panicking and it's being found in so many things.

有东西——未知的东西——搞得俄亥俄州莉莉安镇的人们人心惶惶。Something — some thing — is terrifying the good folks of Lillian, Ohio, but what is it?

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轮番提价势必影响经济和社会稳定,搞得人心惶惶。The stability of the economy and society would surely be affected, leaving people haunted.

而且对上次闻道在少林使用火雷引得人心惶惶的事,要惩罚他棍杖之刑。And for the last time to scent in shaolin using ray panic caused the fire, to punish his rod rod.

信贷紧缩和经济疲软,加之全面爆发的美元危机,使得人心惶惶。A full-blown dollar crisis on top of a credit crunch and a weakening economy would be frightening.

轮番提价势必影响经济和社会稳定,搞得人心惶惶。Raising price again and again should affect economy and social stability, and make people nervous.

我不在意国会干什么,只要不在大街上弄得人心惶惶就好。I don’t mind what Congress does, as long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses.

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也许我们做不到,因为我们喜欢臆想,那句古老的咒语所言极是,我们就处在这么一个“人心惶惶的乱世”之中。Perhaps we don't because we prefer to imagine, as the old curse goes, that we "live in interesting times.

这一举动无疑给正人心惶惶的欧洲各国注射了一支“强心剂”。This action gave the flustered various European countries to inject one without doubt "the cardiotonic ".

轮番提价势必影响经济和社会的稳定,又搞得人心惶惶。Raising price in turns must affect stability of economy and sociality, and make people in a panic as well.