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一只神怪站到了她面前。Genie stood in front of her.

一只神怪站到了她面前。A Genie stood in front of her.

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你也可能是被某个艺术化的神怪欺骗了双眼。Maybe it would be deceived by an artful demon.

最杰出的神怪作家往往也是最伟大的讽刺作家。The best fabulists have often been the greatest satirists.

像神怪一般的不断出现,越来越近的吸引着你的目光。Like a genie, they keep turning up, close by, catching your gaze.

知否多少神怪,被时代无情的车轮碾压而过?Do you know how many Gods and Monsters have been drowned under the waves of past eras?

世情化、世俗化处理幻境情节,达到幻而不幻,从而为神怪题材世情化的创作开创了新路。A new path was thus opened up for the realization of gods and spirits in novel writing.

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于是阿拉丁叫神怪把他送去非洲,带到房子和公主所在的地方。Then Aladdin asked the Genie to take him to Africa where he saw his house and the Princess.

但神怪片对早期中国电影所起的负面作用也是显而易见的,这决定了它只能昙花一现。However, its negative effect on China's early movies was also noticeable, which led to its ephemerality.

“我要跟巴德瑞尔结婚。我要漂亮的房子、漂亮的衣服、珠宝和许多钱。”神怪帮他办好了这些事。"I want to marry the princess Badrul. I want a fine house, fine clothes, jewels and money. " The Genie did this.

“我们要食物。”阿拉丁说。很快,神怪在桌子上摆满了食物,多得足够吃三天了。"We want food, " said Aladdin. So the Genie set a wonderful meal down on the table. There is enough food for three days.

于是人们不再把这节日用来赞美秋光,却让它变成神怪、巫婆和鬼魂的节日。So people will no longer be used to praise this Autumn Festival, but it becomes supernatural, witches and ghosts festival.

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文章首先说明德内利博物馆保存至今的来龙去脉以及其收藏中的神怪动物内容。The article first recounts the origins and development to the present day of the Ennery museum and its fantastic animal collection.

庄子神怪现建立在道家政治理念基础之上,是庄学政治理想的托古和演绎。Zhuangzhi's view of gods and ghosts, an extension of his own political ideal, was formed on the basis of Taoists' political thoughts.

在内容丰富的敦煌壁画中,我们可以看到佛像、神怪、动物、山水画、建筑画以及装饰图案等。The Dunhuang Murals contain rich designs of Buddhas, deities, ghosts, animals, mountains, rivers, architecture and a few decorative patterns.

院子里正在鼓掌的牧人无法承担讥讽那个手里有剑的神怪地主的代价。The instancelauding shepherd in the yard cannot offer the harizonaard of laugusthing located at the stupid landlord who has a sword in his hand.

有人说法佛纳成为神怪已经有一千年了。一千年前,他发现了一个神怪宝瓶,得到了非凡的能力。It is said that Fafner became a genie over a millenium ago, when upon finding a genie bottle, wished that he become as powerful as the genie granting the wish.

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“我是你的神怪”,这个神怪回答道,“你在这里是因为你第二个愿望就是忘记你是谁,使你自己远离你所熟悉的一切。"I am your genie, " the genie replies. "You are here because your second wish was to forget who you are and to be taken far away from everything you once knew.

作为一种独具匠心的创作手法,借助神怪题材讽古喻今,体现了鲁迅先生非凡的艺术才能,也使作品闪烁着恒久的艺术魅力。They are not only artistic images or themes but also good creative ways used by Luxun to state his points about reality. And they make his works charmful to read.

这个名字今天被误读了,在以前它并不单纯指恐怖片,而是包罗万象,既包括动作片,也包括神怪片、侦探片和探险片。Today, in the past it misread not pure horror film, but to all-embracing, both action movies, including the genie piece, detective movies and how would adventure.