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他们正图谋不轨。They are brewing up a wicked plot.

中国对西方国家总是图谋不轨!China has always tried to harm the West.

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告诉我为什么我会对你的生活图谋不轨?Tell me, why should I plot against you life?

她指控老板对她图谋不轨。She accused her boss of making advances to her.

我们必须学会防着那些图谋不轨的人。And we must learn to defend ourselves from those who want to hurt us.

说别人坏话的人一定是自己图谋不轨。The man who comes with a tale about others has himself an ax to grind.

因司徒舜经常怀疑力行图谋不轨,终导致自己情绪失控。Because SiTuShun always doubt what plot, but it will lead to their emotions out of control.

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不管那是一个关于复仇幽灵的故事,还是一个图谋不轨的连环杀手,鬼故事的结构框架都是很简单的。Whether it's about a vengeful spirit or a stalking serial killer, ghost story structure is simple.

不管那是一个关于复仇幽灵的故事,还是一个图谋不轨的连环杀手,鬼故事的结构框架都是很简单的。Whether it’s about a vengeful spirit or a stalking serial killer, ghost story structure is simple.

由于某些网站支持匿名用户ID,评论者可能图谋不轨,这样的事情常常发生。Thanks to anonymous user IDs on some sites, reviewers can be anyone with any agenda. Often they are.

上将巡查至唐顿庄园时,他自告奋勇充当男仆,服侍晚宴,实则想图谋不轨,幸被及时制止。Will be patrolling the tangs manor, he volunteered to act as man, serve dinner but want to machinate, luckily be timely to stop.

正如我们所说的,基地组织继续对我们图谋不轨,而且其头目仍藏身在阿富汗和巴基斯坦交界地区。As we speak, al Qaeda continues to plot against us, and its leadership remains anchored in the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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研究发现,那些在图谋不轨之后洗手的人所受的自我困扰比不洗手的人少。People who washed their hands after contemplating an unethical act were less troubled by their thoughts than those who didn’t, the study found.

警察逮捕他并非是因为他真的犯了什么罪,照警察的说法是因为他四处游逛图谋不轨。The police didn't arrest him because he really committed any crime. They said that he was wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence.

谁知村长图谋不轨,将大象转手卖给黑帮,企图销往澳洲牟取暴利。Who knows mayor conspire against the law, betray sinister gang elephant pass on, the purpose sells sudden huge profits of past Australia obtain.

就算OpenDNS不知道你的名字或你的任何信息,但通过收集你的各种网络浏览记录,它就不会图谋不轨么?Even if OpenDNS doesn’t know your name or anything about you, couldn’t it be collecting all kinds of Web traffic data, concocting its evil plans?

尽管那位对Begum图谋不轨的男人是罪有应得,但是想到自己的老二被装在塑料袋里足以让每个男人蛋疼。Even though Begum's attacker certainly deserved what he got, the idea of a set of male genitals in a plastic bag is enough to give any man nightmares.

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而我就不同了,我从不用毒去害人,就是偶尔有人用我的羽毛去做些图谋不轨的事,也只是极少数心术不正的人所为,并不关我什么事。And I hate, I never go to harm is occasionally, poisoned by my feathers to do bad things, and devise a just man did just that does not shut me anything.

奸细更设计谗谄多禄图谋不轨,于输送礼品往吐蕃时,派杀手拆台,意图毁坏大唐与吐蕃的国交,通蕃卖国!More Chan carry more spies design Paul to plan lawless ACTS, in conveying gift to Turk, sent the killer CaTai, intention and the tubo kingdom datang destroyed, the sweet nation-selling! ! ! ! !