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你们打算和有线电话公司竞争。You want to compete with the wire based phone companies.

无线和有线电话用户数之间的差距正迅速减少。And the gap between wireless and landline users is narrowing fast.

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有线电话线路为121,769门,较上年有所增加。Wired telephone lines to 121,769, an increase from the year earlier.

我在酒店就受到这样的警告,说我的酒店被安装了窃听器,建议我不要使用有线电话。I have been warned that my hotel was bugged and advised to avoid using landline phones.

然而,目前市场上在售的调度机都是需要架设电缆的单一的有线电话模式。However, now the scheduling machine on sale is still wiring phone mode, which should be wired.

他们仅仅是没有广泛的连接能力,比如连接有线电话线和光纤。They just do not have the broadband connectivity that comes from landline cable and fiber optics.

而无线通讯的方便性,也逐渐地取代了有线电话。The the convenience of the wireless communication are used to gradually replace a wired telephone.

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电子邮件是笨重的使用,而且也没有听音乐或有线电话专用耳机插孔。E-mail is clunky to use, and there's no dedicated headset jack for listening to music or making wired calls.

当然,我的孩子们也认为,到时候几乎不会再有任何家庭使用固话、有线电话。A corollary to this one is that my sons don't think hardly any homes will have landline, wire telephones any more.

而电视却相反,它就像昔日的线圈有线电话,让人们闭门不出,粘在沙发上。TVs, in contrast, are like the coil-corded phones of yesteryear, keeping people cooped up indoors, glued to the couch.

而电视却相反,它就像昔日的线圈有线电话,让人们闭门不出,粘在沙发上。TVs, in contrast, are like the coil -corded phones of yesteryear, keeping people cooped up indoors, glued to the couch.

该系统将蓝牙通信技术与有线电话、互联网和传感网络融为一体,组成智能家居系统的核心。The system combines Bluetooth and ASP. NET with the PSTN, Internet, sensors Network to form the core of Intelligent Residential System.

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这强有力地证明,CDMA2000有能力在有线电话和宽带数据业务占主导的新兴市场胜出。This is a strong testimonial to CDMA2000's ability to excel in emerging markets underserved by wireline telephony and broadband data services.

如果在网上冲浪时想要打电话,请使用有线电话或工作频率与无线网络不同的无绳电话。If you want to make phone calls while surfing the web, either use a wired telephone or cordless phone that operates at a different frequency than your wireless network.

可以参考电信市场里类似的情况,很多发展中国家直接跳过了有线电话的普及过程而直接进入到无线通讯的时代。Think of it in similar terms as telecommunications, where many developing nations have skipped landlines altogether and gone straight to reliance on mobile communications.

热网监控系统由热力站控制单元、有线电话网数据通信系统和中控室计算机数据中心组成。The monitoring system of heat-supply network is composed of control unit of substation, wire telephone network data communication system and computer data center in central control room.