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素描,是任何造型艺术的基础。Sketch is the basic of any plastic arts.

素描是一切造型艺术的基础。The sketch is all plastic arts foundation.

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素描作为造型艺术的基础,有其自身独特的艺术魅力。As a basis of plastic arts, sketch is unique to the art of painting.

汉俑形体虽小,但其造型艺术比秦俑有了很大的提高。Though much smaller in size, Han Dynasty figurines are artistically better.

岩画是造型艺术,岩画的造型有其深在的规律性和艺术特点。Petroglyph is a modelling art, which has its own laws and artistic features.

在造型艺术这一领域,他很早就掌握了塑造的“造型规律”。He has grasped the "rule of modeling" very early in the field of plastic arts.

在古代的西亚、非洲各国的造型艺术中都能找到大量的狮子形象。There are many lion images in the statue arts of ancient West-Asia and Africa.

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素描是造型艺术的基础,同时也是一种独立的艺术形式。Sketch is the base of the plastic arts as well as an independent artistic form.

中国古典园林是以视觉为主要感知方式的综合的空间造型艺术。Chinese classical garden is a space art which is mostly perceived through vision.

中国传统图形艺术和造型艺术中的应用程序设计。China's traditional graphic arts and plastic arts in the design of the application.

将素描做为一切造型艺术的基点来强调,其意义是多方面的。It has multifarious meaning to emphasize Drawing as the basic point of plastic arts.

在本科四年里,第一年的专业学习是在学院的造型艺术学院上基础课。I study elementary courses in the College of Visual Arts in the first of the four years.

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陶瓷艺术是一门造型艺术,是人类得用石与火所赋予的物质的伟大创造。Ceramics Art is a plastic arts, is the use of soil-fire with the material give at create.

绘画、雕塑、建筑等统称为造型艺术。Painting sculpture architecture etc. are collectively called the“fine arts”or“plastic arts”.

但是你,你和我一样,厌恶、憎恨二十世纪的那些造型艺术。You, however, hate and detest the 20th century's entire output in the plastic arts, as do I.

所有造型艺术大师的创作生涯都是研究艺用人体解剖学开始的。All plastic arts master's creation profession all is studies the skill to start with the anatomy.

集造型艺术与舞台表演为一体的皮影戏在渭南地区有着悠久的历史传统。Shadow play combined with formative arts and stage performance has a long history in Weinan area.

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建筑艺术是一种造型艺术,建筑美主要体现在建筑造型上。The building art is a kind of model art, the beauty of the building mainly reflects on the model.

专科有艺术设计、造型艺术设计等专业方向。Specialized subjects for college-level students are Art and Design, Plastic Arts Design and so on.

大师和经典是造型艺术所企望的高峰,但这座高峰并不存在于子虚乌有之处。A master or a classic is not only the expected peak of plastic arts, which does not exist in nothing.