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他显得神情沮丧。He looks blue.

还会沮丧消沉We get depressed.

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我感到很沮丧。I was so frustrated.

你看起来有些沮丧。You look dispirited.

我们都只剩下了沮丧。We all left dejected.

你看起来有点沮丧。You seem to be upset.

你感觉很是沮丧。You're so frustrated.

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王林非常沮丧。Wang Lin was very sad.

瘦人们通常令人很沮丧。Thin people are downers.

独自沮丧地游荡?。Alone and palely loitering?

独自沮丧地闲荡?Alone and palely loitering?

爸爸还以沮丧的笑声。Father gave a rueful laugh.

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这是个令人沮丧的过程。It is a dispiriting process.

假如你走了,我会很沮丧.If you go away, I’ll be blue.

他还开始变得沮丧不已。De Koff also became despondent.

他沮丧地摇摇头。He shook his head despondently.

我是如此的无助和沮丧。I am sohelplessland desponding.

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女佣看起来很沮丧。The charwoman looked depressed.

她为什么神情如此沮丧?Why is she looking so dejected?

我在工作中感到厌烦和沮丧。I'm bored and depressed at work.