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主席团由一百四十八位代表组成。The presidium consists of 148 delegates.

主席团决定今天晚上的会议另选会场。The presidium has decided to hold this evening's meeting elsewhere.

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主席团决定今天晚上的会议另选会场。The praesidium has decided to hold this evening's meeting elsewhere.

第三章介绍了主席团职权的若干问题。Some issues on the power of the presidium are discussed in Chapter Three.

罢免案由主席团提请大会审议。The proposal of removal are submitted to the congresses by the presidiums.

主席团成员和各部部长副部长,联络员必须到场。Bureau members and ministers, deputy ministers and liaisons are to the scene.

学生会西交利物浦大学学生的自治组织,由学生会主席团领导。It is a student governing council and conducted by presidium of student union.

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大会主席团常务主席顾秀莲主持开幕式。Congress presidium routine President Gu Xiulian presides over the opening ceremony.

中国人大领导机构为主席团,其职责比较广泛。China's people's congress is leaded by its presidium, who owns a wide range of power.

中共代表加入国民参政会主席团。Include Communist representatives in the presidium of the People's Political Council.

他事先没有征求党的主席团同志的意见,并取得他们的同意。He had not submitted in advance for the approval of his comrades in the Party Presidium.

第二条本章程的解释权归本俱乐部主席团…Item 2 The final explanation of this regulation belongs to club Chairmen Group meeting,.

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全国人民代表大会举行会议的时候,选举主席团主持会议。When the National People’s Congress meets, it elects a Presidium to conduct its session.

大会主席团由王绍鏊、林汉达、陶行知三人组成。The meeting presidium was consisted of Wang Shaoao, Lin Handa and Tao Xingzhi three persons.

大会为期5天,期间中国工程院大会将选举该院新一届院长、副院长和主席团成员。During the 5-day conference, the CAE will elect its new presidents and members of the presidium.

所以,我们正在做的一件事就是,使不同的主席团成员推行各自的项目。So for example, one of the things we're doing is having different board members running their own programs.

中国代表团将与你和主席团密切合作,推动会议取得积极成果。The Chinese delegation is ready to work closely with you and the bureau for a positive outcome of the session.

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中国代表团将与你和主席团其他成员充分合作。You and other members of the Bureau can rest assured of full cooperation and support of the Chinese delegation.

县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会举行会议的时候,由主席团主持会议。When a local people's congress at or above the county level meets, its session shall be conducted by the presidium.

模联会议中的危机一般由主席团在会前设置好,事件可能与代表们讨论的议题相关。Usually designed by the dais before the conference, a crisis may be related to the topic being discussed on the floor.