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书香门第,武术世家。14岁皈依武当派。Scholarly family, martial arts family. 14-year-old convert to Wu-Tang Clan.

你虽出自书香门第,父母亲是有一定的知名度。Although you are from a family of scholar, parents have a certain reputation.

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两位都出生在书香门第的家庭,幼时便以博览群书。Elegant doors first two were born in the family, was known to Expo will book group.

传统书画可以熏陶家庭环境,家里挂几幅字画,就有了书香门第的味道。Traditional painting and calligraphy can influence family environment, calligraphy and painting, hang a few home had a scholar taste.

假如来生我有幸投生为布林达森林①里的牧童,我甘愿忍受失去书香门第的骄傲的一切痛苦。SHALL gladly suffer the pride of culture to die out in my house, if only in some happy future Iam born a herd boy in the Brinda forest.

假如来生我有幸投生为布林达森林①里的牧童,我甘愿忍受失去书香门第的骄傲的一切痛苦。I SHALL gladly suffer the pride of culture to die out in my house, if only in some happy future I am born a herd boy in the Brinda forest.

洪凌,这位出生于上世纪50年代中期传统书香门第的艺术家,在艺术探索的道路上先后经历了几次不同语境的转换。Hong Ling, an artist born in the middle period of 1950s in the last century in a traditional scholar family, has gone through some turns of context.

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作为最后一招,为了让这个书香门第的后代能够从事需要高深学问的职业,父亲说服达尔文为当牧师而学习。As a last resort, in order for this scion of an educated family to enter one of the learned professions, his father persuaded Darwin to study for the ministry.

邓先生出身书香门第,良好的艺术氛围培养了他对传统文化的热爱,十余年的国外游历使他接触了西方的美学思想,为日后勾连中西打下良好的基础。Mr Deng was born in the family with artistic atmosphere and he also was abroad for ten years, so he had rich art knowledge to contact Chinese artist with western theory.

舒岳祥出生于书香门第,家富藏书,自幼启蒙教育较好,生活安定富足,中年步入仕途,因受权臣贾似道排挤,辞官回家。Yuexiang Shu was born in a literary family which was rich and had a big collection of books. Since started studying he was well educated and his life was well-off and stable too.

何兆武虽然并非出生于书香门第,但是受北京古都的熏陶和连年战争的时代影响,使他选择了从事历史专业。Although He Zhaowu is not born in the scholarly family, with the influence of Beijing ancient culture and successive years of war time, he chooses to engage in the historical specialty.

办公室以新古典主义的设计手法贯穿整个方案,在简约的空间用时尚的黑白灰为主色调,打造了一个具有“书香门第”气息的办公空间。Office of the neo-classical design techniques throughout the program, in simple black and white space with a stylish gray-based colors, created a "Scholarly family" atmosphere of the office space.