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当时适值疾病流行的美妙季节。It was a nice sickly season just at this time.

我们到时适值雨季。We happened to arrive there in the rainy season.

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我们相遇的时刻,适值是我人的生活中最诡奇的时期。You met me on the reficwhaty strange time in my life.

对编码策略、适值调整策略及选择策略进行了讨论。The strategies for encode, fitness adjusting and selection are discussed.

并且保留了适值比较大的染色体到下一代,这样防止了早熟现象的发生。And keep the chromosome of more large fitness down to next generation, this can avoid the occurrence of prematurity.

至于模式预测方面,虽然受到举办特定大型节庆活动之影响,形成预测配适值与实际值兩者之间有所误差。For model forecast, because of the impact of special festival activities, there are error exist between forecast value and real value.

其次,它适值最佳的时机步人中土,其时中国正处在强大繁荣的汉代末期天下大乱的时期。Second, it came to China at the most opportune moment when China was in disunion at the end of the powerful and prosperous Han Dynasty.

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本文分析了这些问题,并给出了解决方案,提出了枚举变量适值计算规则的代码植入方案。This article analyzes these problems and presents the solutions of code embedded in the rule of enumeration variable fitness calculation.

由此订定的模式参数最适值,是开发此种藉助于超临界流体技术的生质柴油生产程序所必需的。Those determined model parameters are essentially needed in the process development for biodiesel production by using supercritical fluid assisted technique.

给出了算法的编码方案、解码规则、适值函数、选择方法、交叉算子和变异算子的实现方法。The implementation of coding scheme, decoding rule, fitness function, the way to select, crossing operator and genetic operators of the algorithm are described.

另一方面交叉矩阵使适值高的个体以低概率交叉,在一定程度上改善了算法的收敛性。On the other hand, crossover matrix makes it possible for higher fitness individuals to cross at lower probability and accordingly improves the convergence to some degree.

适值此前不久中国总理温家宝,敦促美国要维持其公信力,确保中国所持美债的安全.That came shortly after Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao urged the United States to maintain its creditworthiness and ensure the security of China's massive stash of U.S. Treasury assets.

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为处理等式和不等式混合约束,通过惩罚策略将其吸入遗传算法中染色体的适值。In order to deal with the mixed constraints of equality and inequality, the penalty strategy is used to absorb the constraints into the fitness of the chromosome in genetic algorithm.

适值来自上升的家庭支出的增加压力,选民开始质疑为什麽“好时光那麽跚跚来迟”,卡梅伦将会在保守党大会告诉代表。Amid growing pressure from rising household bills, voters are beginning to question why the "good times are so long coming", Mr Cameron will tell delegates at the Conservative Party conference.

将机器学习原理应用到解决车间调度问题的遗传算法中,使初始种群中的每条染色体都具有较高的适值,从而使得进化过程在经过很少的迭代次数后即可达到稳定,同时避免了最优解的丢失。At the same time, the theory of machine-learning was introduced to MGASA, and so the average fitness of chromosomes was improved, the loss of the best solution was prevented and the speed of thee.

与遗传算法相比,该算法收敛的最优解适值较大,收敛速度较快,能找到符合无线网络建设要求的基站分布方案。Compared with GA, GSA converges more rapidly to the bigger fitness function value, and is capable of obtaining the base-station placement which accords with mobile network construction requirement.