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它发出四散的光。It gave off diffused light.

狗群四散离去。The dogs scattered and left.

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一声枪响把一群斑马惊得四散奔逃。A group of zebras started up by a shot.

森林中的动物惊恐的四散奔逃。Terrified animals flee before the onslaught.

一声炸雷使牛群四散惊逃。A loud thunder stampeded the group of cattle.

周围满是爆炸碎片和四散的烟雾。There was debris around and smoke in the sky.

那是一种光华四散的魔法,难以言状。It is an irradiating magic difficult to qualify.

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暴风雨袭来,人群很快地四散了。The crowd quicky melted away when the storm broke.

起初,即使在500码的地方看到我,它们也会四散逃窜。At first they fled if they saw me within 500 yards.

鹅群四散开来,店主们在门前站着。Geese scatter, shopkeepers stand in their doorways.

那只公牛挣开了束缚,吓得观众急忙四散逃走。The audience fled in panic when the bull got loose.

云气漫山,随风四散,恍如隔世。The mist was scattered over the mountain by the wind.

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乌云四散,清新的微风吹拂着。The clouds cleared away, and a fresh breeze sprang up.

在他们身旁,奥马地卡雅族人正在混乱和恐惧中四散奔逃。Around them the Omaticaya flee in horror and confusion.

一群母鸡正把地上的灰尘啄得四散。Chickens are scattering its dust abroad with their beaks.

她们立马四散而逃,她们肯定以为自己闯了什么大祸。They must have thought they were going to get in trouble.

如果听到什么声响,它们立即四散游开。If you hear any noise, they immediately went to swim away.

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医疗用品储藏室的门一开,蟑螂四散而去。In a supply room, cockroaches fled as the door swung open.

亚多尼雅的众客听见这话就都惊惧,起来四散。At this, all Adonijah's guests rose in alarm and dispersed.

他们四散奔逃,只留下血迹和掉下的鞋子。They scattered, leaving behind bloodstains and missing shoes.