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每个月的月末他领工资。He collects his salary at the end of each month.

月末,提供所有的分类账凭证。Prepares all Journal Vouchers for month-end closing.

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这名嫌犯名叫马修麦肯,是在6月末从州监狱被保释的。Matthew Macon was paroled from state prison in late June.

所有人的目标都是到第4个月末减去7.26公斤。All were aiming to lose 7.26 kg by the end of four months.

到下个月末我们就已完成了所有的任务。By the end of next month, we’ll have finished all our task.

到上月末为止,我已经在辽源工作两年了。I had worked in Liaoyuan for two years by the end of last month.

罗塞夫赢得了上个星期天的首轮选举,下一次即最终选举将于本月末举行。The second and final round will be held at the end of this month.

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在下一个月末的时候让我们假设,这2只小兔子也有了后代,同样是一公一母,问题是一年后你会有多少只小兔子?The question was how many rabbits do you have at the end of a year?

到达大气本月末是耐克ACG都市夜组装。Arriving at Atmos later this month is the Nike ACG Urban Night Pack.

商品减价一般都是周四或者周五,要么就是月末。Some do them on Thursdays or Fridays, others at the end of the month.

截止2011年4月末,哈尔滨公司已全部异地搬迁到新厂区。At the end of April 2011, Harbin plant has already accomplished relocation.

不过随着需求趋缓,面板价格自9月末以来已开始盘跌.Screen prices have however trended down since late September as demand slows.

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2010年2月末,在温哥华东北的山谷中,浓雾沿着曲折的山谷延伸。Thick fog snaked through valleys northeast of Vancouver in late February 2010.

你需要在月末把他们和结算单做一下对比。You’ll need to be able to compare them with statements at the end of the month.

如果共和党固守己见,致使本月末税收增加,那么就任其发展下去好了。If G.O.P. intransigence means that taxes rise at the end of this month, so be it.

他现在无法进行十字韧带修复手术知道下个月末。He may not now have his cruciate ligament operated on until the end of next month.

上月末开始就是吃大闸蟹的季节了,一些中国人仍然信誓旦旦。The hairy crab season opened late last month and some Chinese still swear by them.

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本月末将召开的欧洲峰会上,他会想法挽回自己的面子吗?Is he seeking a face-saving formula from a European summit at the end of the month?

6月末,程女士雇请王先生全职为其负责资源交易事物。Ms. Cheng hired Mr. Wang in late June to work full-time with her on resource deals.

但是你知道,在一个项目的最后几个月或者月末,But then as, you know, you're in the last couple of months of project or last month,