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我也差一点有可能失去你。I could've lost you too.

真悬啊,差一点被车撞了。Hangs really, almost by Che Zhuang.

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守门员差一点扑住球。The goalkeeper just missed the ball.

埃蒙斯差一点就要夺得他的第二块金牌了。Emmons had his second gold all but won.

我差一点就要喊救命了。I was within an ace of calling for help.

这球差一点点擦到桌边。The ball just missed clipping the table.

然而有一天,她差一点丧失了这一记录。Then one day she nearly lost her record.

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那妖物差一点毁了这条船。The monster had all but wrecked the ship.

就差一点点了,我可以的,我会活下去。Just one chace, I can survive this crisis.

我弟弟差一点死于那次车祸。The car accident almost killed my brother.

又有一次,他差一点被一条黄貂鱼刺伤。And once he was nearly stung by a stingray.

只是……我真不敢相信……我差一点失去了你。I can't believe that . . . I almost lost you.

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我对他说他差一点造成一起恶性事故。I told him that he had nearly caused a bad accident.

这次事故差一点结束了他的足球生涯。The accident just about finished him as a footballer.

郡长的右腕差一点脱了臼。The right wrist of the sheriff was all but dislocated.

我在试图游到对岸去时差一点被淹死。I came near being drowned in the attempt to swim across.

对啊,我是让她去买新链子,可是她说都是我不好让她差一点没出严重的车祸。Sure! Hey, you'd better tell her to buy you a new chain.

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因为那场误会,他们差一点吵起来了。They all but quarrelled because of the misunderstanding.

那个笨蛋跟老板的女儿调情,差一点被炒鱿鱼。That bozo flirt with the boss'daughter and nearly get fired.

当车祸差一点发生的时候,我们说那是九死一生。When an accident nearly happens, we say it is a close shave.