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午饭过后,我们立即前往山道的起点。Immediately after lunch we made for the trailhead.

可由青山道及元龍街前往。It is accessible from Castle Peak Road and Yuen Lung Street.

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我想,骆驼场只能在主山道上,于是我跟着他们走。The camp had to fall on the main path, I thought, so I followed them.

右转上卵石山道。对面山谷查看购物区。Turn right on Cobble Hill Rd. , across from Valley View shopping area.

杰瑞德?奥登沿着一条艰苦铺设的绳索山道朝山峰攀登。Jared Ogden follows a painstakingly laid 'rope highway' toward the summit.

一个比一个重,像小时,您在老家弯曲的山道上。One heavier than another, like hours, on hometown tortuous mountain roads.

这张照片是在离意大利都灵不远的一条山道上拍摄的。The picture was recorded from an Alpine mountain pass not far from Turin, Italy.

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①山道上有不少贫穷的背夫,以背旅游者上山而挣取极为微薄的报酬。Many impoverished coolies earn a meager pay by shouldering tourists up the mountain.

驴子稳步走在山道上,铃声叮当,颇有节奏。The donkey moved firmly forward on the mountain trail, the bell ringing rhythmically.

这正是我砂山道那帮兄弟们得出的结论。And that is precisely the conclusion many of my brethren on Sand Hill Road have drawn.

检获的文件和从安生在歌赋山道家用电脑上山顶。Officers seized documents and a computer from Chan's home in Gough Hill Road on The Peak.

新华社说,事故在星期日发生在一段山道上.另有四名妇女受伤。Xinhua says the accident happened on a mountain path Sunday . Four other women were injured.

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我的文字,掠过清幽宁静的溪谷,踏着蜿蜒古朴的山道,一路停停歇歇。My words, over the peaceful valley, on the winding ancient hill road, a road to stop to rest.

走在狭长的山道,踱着小碎步,仔细品味那份属于江南的好!Walking in the narrow road, if too small, carefully taste that belongs to the south around good!

这时节,我常在河滩和山道看到日本蜥蜴的幼体。I often find juveniles of Japanese five-lined skink on the riverside and the path in the mountain.

冬日苍凉的午后,在蜿蜒不尽的山道上,我们三个人吃力地走着。Winter afternoon, desolate in the winding never-failing mountain path, we three people plods along.

从这条山道登顶估计要用五个半小时,也是所有登山道中最短的。With an estimated climbing time of just under five and a half hours, it is also one of the shortest.

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这段96公里长的山道铁轨是联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产之一。The 96-kilo-meter long single track working rail was recently added to UN-ESCO's World Heritage list.

本线于二零零四年十二月二十日重新投入服务,取代94号山道天桥班次。Route 94X resumes service on 20 December 2004 to replace route 94 Hill Road flyover special departures.

他们从车轮爬上灵车,驰上绵长、雪白的山道,在月光下向着小城驶去。They clambered up over the wheels and drove off in the starlight tip the long, white hill toward the town.