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那位被宠坏的小孩习惯于我行我素。That spoiled brat is used to having his own way.

史密斯我行我素,拒不执行命令。Smith obstinately refused to carry out the order.

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一一和彩虹惘然至若,继续我行我素。One by one, and to continue to do the rainbow disconsolate.

蚱蜢嘲笑着那只小蚂蚁,还是我行我素。The grasshopper laughed at the little ant and went on his way.

尽管受到联合国的严加监督,但23000多毛派叛军仍在我行我素。Its 23,000-strong rebel army is corralled under UN eyes, but intact.

外人眼里,她疏离低调,冷傲清高,我行我素。Outsider, she alienated a low-key, lofty, persist in one's old ways.

但是,有些个人主义者坚持我行我素的生活方式和行为原则。But some individualists insist on living and behaving as they please.

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原因之二是我行我素,缺乏一种集体的团队精神。The second reason is the old ways, the lack of a collective team spirit.

感谢大家对我行我素工作室的关注,我们会做得更好!Thank everybody for everybody's concern to the LeoXu workroom, we will do better!

这位观察人士说,之前土耳其在这个问题上,可以说是独立的,或者说是我行我素。He said until now Turkey was following a more independent policy toward the region.

他们只是我行我素地在宿舍楼前放烟花,或是裸奔。They just went ahead and set off firecrackers in front of dorm buildings or ran naked.

这名官员到头来还是我行我素,于是政府建住宅的租金提高了。The official got his own way in the end and the rents of the council houses were raised.

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他们我行我素,不会在意别人对他们行为可能存在的看法。They go their own way, not caring much about what others might think about their doings.

象猫一样地反复无常,我行我素的性格。The ground is capricious like elephantine cat, the disposition of persist one's old ways.

可我从小就不乖巧,后来又一直在我行我素的路上倔强的前行,至今让他们为我操心。But I was not clever, then always persist in one's old ways on stubborn way, still let them worry about me.

有关外表的这一切忠告,激怒了那些个人主义者,因为他们坚持在生活和待人接物时我行我素。All this advice about appearances angers the individualists who insist on living and behaving as they please.

拉里.佩奇,谷歌创始人之一,现任谷歌CEO,是一位公认的才华横溢,我行我素,不善言语的创造者。Larry Page, the founder and now CEO has a reputation as a brilliant innovator, a non-conformist and an introvert.

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由于多市议会中并没有了解阿富汗-巴基斯坦人的市议员,他才能够得我行我素。And since there's no councilor on city council who even knows what an Afghan-Pakistani is, he can get away with it.

但是,即便西方接受了外交格局已经改变的事实,我们依旧我行我素,对外部世界的改变熟视无睹。While the West accepts the diplomatic furniture has been re-arranged, we still act as if the world outside has not.

但是第二天,这两只年轻的猩猩依旧我行我素,猩猩们便直白地表达了它们的情绪,对其实施了一顿暴打。But the next day the adolescents were on their own, and the troop made its feelings plain, administering a sound beating.