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这个年轻人开始迅速脱发。The young man was starting to bald rapidly.

潘婷防脱发洗发水就是个很好的例子。A good example is Pantene Hair Fall Control.

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脱发是男人最怕的事情之一。Losing his locks is one of a man's greatest fears.

当然,我们还要找到泰拉脱发问题的根本原因。Still, we needed to get to the root of her problem.

主要不良反应为骨髓抑制和脱发。The main toxicity was myelosuppression and alopecia.

脱发可以是一项艰钜的发生在一个人的生活。Hair loss can be a daunting occurrence in one's life.

脱发也可能是某些疾病症状之一。Some diseases have hair loss as one of their symptoms.

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脱发性毛囊炎能能治好啊?Can the nature folliculitis losing hair administer well?

郭先生和家人一时陷入了脱发的不安当中。Mr. Gou and his family were anxious about his hair loss.

这被称为男性脱发或女性脱发。This is called male-pattern or female-pattern hair loss.

可引起脱发由遗传和荷尔蒙改变。Alopecia can be caused by heredity and changing hormones.

是慢性静止期脱发还是雄性秃发?。Chronic telogen effluvium or early androgenetic alopecia?

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安徽武警总队医院是脱发治疗中心。Armed Police Hospital of Anhui hair loss treatment center.

此后呢?便是问诊、手术、化疗、脱发,以及病痛。And after ?doctors visits, surgery, chemo, hair loss, pain.

因为脱发,张先生便遇到一系列的问题。He encountered a series of problems because of hair losing.

化疗毒副反应主要是骨髓抑制与脱发。The major toxic effects were myelosuppression and alopecia.

之后,去拜访了外科医生,进行化疗,开始脱发,伴随着疼痛。And after doctors visits, surgery, chemo, hair loss, pain.

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女性激素导致的脱发通常发生在前额以及头顶上。Female-pattern hair loss occurs at the frontal and parietal.

我们的防脱发洗发露使用方法有别于其他洗发水。Our Anti-hair loss shampoo is different from other shampoos.

适用于脱发。斑秃。普秃。头油大人群。Apply to hair loss. Bald spot. General bald. TouYou big crowd.