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它表现得恰如其分It's behaving appropriately.

蓝色的卫生间与水相衬恰如其分。Blue bath rooms are appropriately watery.

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那男人呢,我们恰如其分地称之为「配种猪哥」。Well then, let us call man, appropriately, a he-man.

他不能期待单靠一支笔就能将它的声效和暴躁恰如其分地演绎出来。One cannot hope to capture its sound or fury on the page.

马托格罗索的意思是浓密的森林,这个名字曾经很恰如其分。Mato Grosso means thick forests, and the name was once apt.

一旦你能恰如其分地应用这些词汇,将会引人注目的。Once you have been using the right words will be eye-catching.

许多中国谚语都不能恰如其分地译成英语。Many Chinese proverbs cannot be properly rendered into English.

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其中一些批评是恰如其分的,但这些机构也容易成为替罪羊。Some of it is well deserved, but they are also easy scapegoats.

我不知道这一说法是否真实,但是它很可能恰如其分。I don't know whether that's true or not, but it may very well be.

那个象征性的,抹消杜勒斯轻侮的握手恰如其分地发生了。The symbolic handshake that erased Dulles's snub duly took place.

他下巴一紧,但还是努力保持着恰如其分的微笑。His jaw tightened, but he kept his smile in place with some effort.

爵士乐被称作为美国的经典音乐,是恰如其分的。Jazz has been called America's classical music, and for good reason.

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金融市场恰如其分地对美国的政治冷嘲热讽。The financial markets are appropriately cynical about U.S. politics.

它们总能恰如其分的对别人对自己的行为作出回应。They react to how they are treated and always respond appropriately.

大家对他能否恰如其分地把握美国精魂不抱什么期望。he could not be expected to appraise properly the spirit of America.

只有将钱财用于奎师那知觉,“金钱甜如蜜”才会恰如其分。Money is the honey' goes so far as it is employed for Krishna consciousness.

处理得好,令人有恰如其分缺陷美之感。If handled well, there is a sense of the United States appropriately defects.

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这张专辑的名称恰如其分的形容了他的音乐会带给人们的感受。The album's title aptly describes the feeling is music will bring to listener.

你可能已经注意到了,伦诺克斯恰如其分的模糊了一点,那就是“此”在这里确切的指的是什么。But you might notice that Lennox is suitably vague about what exactly "this" is.

她象征着一种力量,也许那种力量可以让弥尔顿也婉转的唱出一首恰如其分的歌。She represents a power that might enable Milton to warble a right or proper song.