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她行了个屈膝礼。She gave a curtsy.

她走过时对他行了一个屈膝礼。She swept him a curtsy.

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她走过时对他匆匆行一屈膝礼。She swept him a curtsey.

她向国王“行”了“屈膝”“礼”。She curtsied to the king.

现在你鞠躬,我行屈膝礼。Now you bow, and I curtsy.

她有礼貌地向我行了个屈膝礼。She bobbed politely at me.

我行了一个屈膝礼然后说“谢谢。”I curtsy and say "Merci. ""

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她对他屈膝致礼。She bobbed a curtsy to him.

她向绅士行屈膝礼。She dipped to the gentleman.

若有必要,可以屈膝。Bend your knees if necessary.

她向女王深深地行屈膝礼。She curtsied low to the queen.

哦,我应该练习一下如何行屈膝礼。Oh, I shall practice my curtsy!

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他们被打得屈膝投降了。They were beaten to their knees.

所以沃尔玛屈膝而跪。So Wal-Mart dropped to its knees.

她说着就想行屈膝礼。She tried to curtsey as she spoke.

难道我们理应屈膝跪在这片土地上。Bend to the earth our pliant knees.

他向征服者屈膝。He grovelled at the feet of conqueror.

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患侧在上,嘱患肢屈膝屈髋。Paretic in, enjoin limb knees hip flexor.

有人教我们如何向女王行屈膝礼。We were taught how to curtsy to the Queen.

你划十字,你弯腰,你屈膝?Do you cross yourself? Do you bow? Do you kneel?