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他很快就打消了那个念头。He soon swept the idea away.

你必须打消这个念头。You must banish the thought.

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他的劝解打消了我的疑虑。His advice satisfied my doubts.

这个念头好几年前就打消了。The idea was given up years ago.

打消这些念头吧!Banish such thoughts from your mind!

有时候我们只好打消了问路的念头继续赶路。Sometimes we just give up and move on.

我们打消那个念头,重新考虑吧。Let's wash out that idea and think again.

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谁都无法叫她打消这个念头。Nobody can beat the idea out of her head.

你必须打消所有的成见。You have to avoid all the preoccupations.

不要允许宗教或者种族歧视来打消你的念头。Do not allow religion or race to deter you.

倾盆大雨使她打消外出的念头。The heavy rain deterred her from going out.

我试着强制打消睡意,但是办不到。I tried to fight against sleep, but couldn't.

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我希望你打消那念头。I hope you'll wipe that thought from your mind.

如果你不能帮忙,最好让人家打消念头。If you can't help him, you'd better put him off.

因为这些访客希望接触到有生气的人,读到一个有声有色的故事,来打消对这个网站的心理上的距离感。Because they want a human, a story and reassurance.

我原想去游泳,但还是打消了念头。I was going to go swimming but thought better of it.

我们现款不足,只好打消买房子的念头。Lack of cash foced us to scrap plans for a new house.

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浩轩父亲昨天的话,并没有打消常安的疑虑。HaoXuan father yesterday, dint bother Chang An doubts.

由于遭遇到强烈抗议,高尔顿很快打消了这个念头。Such was the outcry that Galton soon dropped the idea.

另一种伎俩,以打消光明白天拉窗帘!Another trick to quash bright daylight-pull the curtains!