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茯苓饼是一种宫廷点心。Tuckahoe Pie was originally a palace snack.

桂枝茯苓丸是治疗什么病的?。What disease does bolus of cassia twig tuckahoe treat?

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岳西茯苓岳西特产,质地特别优良。Poria Yuexi Yuexi specialty, particularly fine texture.

目的研究商茯苓的发展状况。Objective To study on the development of Shang Poria Cocos.

茯苓饼的面皮是用茯苓粉和精致面粉做成的。The crust of Tuckahoe Pie is made of Tuckahoe powders and refined flour.

以后,她就经常把茯苓饼赏给那些王公大臣。Later, she often granted the pie to the ministers of the palace as a reward.

这些中药中就有生长于云南和贵州的茯苓。Among them, there was the herb Tuckahoe grown in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.

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天麻。茯苓。松花粉等在国内外一直得到很好的评价。Tianma. Fuling . Song-Hua powder at home and abroad has always been a very good rating.

炮制加工对茯苓饮片的化学成分有一定的影响。Processing methods have certain influence on chemical constituents in Poria cocos herbs.

茯苓饼不仅营养丰富而且很美味,富含蛋白质和多种人体所需的维生素。Highly nutritious and tasty, it contains the protein and various vitamins for human body.

“土瓜、根”祛斑面膜粉加上SPA排毒茶和白茯苓,祛斑美白十分好。Kwa, root freckle Mask Powder with Poria SPA Detox Tea and white, whitening is very good.

阿胶、山药、玫瑰花、茯苓、甘草、薄荷、干姜等。Donkey-Hide Gelatin, Chinese Yam, Roes, Tuckahoe, Licorice, Mint, Dried Ginger, and so on.

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结果茯苓饼就成了很有名的宫廷小吃,并且它的价格也随之涨了好几倍。As a result, Tuckahoe Pie became a famous palace snack with its price increased by many times.

目的研究白术茯苓汤总多糖的提取工艺。Objective To investigate the extraction process of polysaccharide from Atractylodes Poria soup.

方剂的核心药物为熟地黄、枸杞子、茯苓、当归、菟丝子、川芎、山药。The core prescription drugs rehmannia, wolfberry fruit, Poria, Angelica, Semen, Chuan Xiong, yam.

珍珠、玫瑰花、枸杞子、阿胶、茯苓、黄精等。Pearl, Roes, Lycium Fruit, Donkey-Hide Gelatin, Tuckahoe, Manyflower Solomonseal Rhizome, and so on.

探讨茯苓多糖作为流感病毒灭活疫苗佐剂的免疫增强作用。The immune effects of pachymaran as an adjuvant on inactivated influenza virus vaccine were explored.

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先煎萆?煮取汁,再与茯苓、苡仁、粳米同煮成粥。First decoct Bi ? is boiled take juice, boil congee together with tuckahoe, Yi benevolence, rice again.

并将发酵菌丝与天然茯苓进行水溶性多糖含量比较。The content of water-soluble polysaccharide of fermentation mycelia and natural Poria was also compared.

目的建立茯苓皮药材中三萜酸类成分的HPLC指纹图谱。Objective To establish a method for HPLC fingerprint determination of the triterpene acids in poria peel.