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儿子们各持象徵毘沙门天的塔、幡、弓等。The sons carry banners, Vaisravana's stupa and his bow.

结果得出样品中沙门菌的最低检出限。Results Minimum value of Salmonellae in samples was obtained.

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这里沙门是指灭除一切烦恼的人。Here Samana means one who has calmed and destroyed all defilements.

什么是沙门菌病,感染症状是什么?Salmonellosis is an infection caused by bacteria called Salmonella.

目的研究阿贡纳沙门菌的生物学特性。Objective To study the biological characteristics of the Salmonella agone.

其中的病菌包括大肠杆菌,沙门氏杆菌,环孢子虫,和A型肝炎病毒。The causes included E. coli, salmonella, cyclospora, and hepatitis A virus.

这位王子离开了皇宫,换上了破旧衣服,选择成为一位沙门。Departing from the palace and the wearing rags, the prince chose to become a Samana.

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应弟子敬行以下之提请,我已手书了陈上师所造的赞毗沙门天王。As requested by disciple Jing Xing below I had written the praise composed by Guru Chen.

目的了解副伤寒沙门菌的耐药情况及耐药机制。Objective To study the antibiotic resistance and its mechanism of salmonella paratyphoid.

还是很想谢谢毘沙门天哥哥给了我可以超脱三界的意识。I still wanna say thanks for Vaisravana gave me ability that can fly over the Three Realms.

十一'友!我有如是之神通威力,如何往侍奉其他沙门或婆罗门耶?'。Sirs, I hold such psychic powers, why should I go to attend on other recluses and Brahmins ?

FDA还宣布现已使用基因分析方法检验进口海鲜中是否含有沙门菌。FDA also reports that it now uses genetic analysis to identify salmonella in seafood imports.

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那是沙门乔达摩为众人围绕,正端坐说法。That's Gotama the contemplative, sitting surrounded by a large assembly, teaching the Dhamma.

一份公司的声明指出"通过看和闻并不能知道食品是否受到过沙门细菌感染。A company release stated that "food contaminated with Salmonella may not look or smell spoiled."

目的了解宾馆和饭店污水中沙门菌污染状况。Objective To explore the contamination of sewage from hotels and restaurants by Salmonella typhi.

在2006年出现的是污染的菠菜。2008年出现的是带有沙门菌的胡椒或者番茄。In 2006, it was contaminated spinach. In 2008, it was salmonella in peppers and possibly tomatoes.

让疑惑者理解沙门说的种种事物,在知识之路上学习。Let a doubter train himself by way of insight to understand these states as taught by the Recluse.

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沙门氏是一伙恶毒的,会传染疾病的坏蛋,而一个粉刺则是一个迷恋权利的油脂腺。Sal Monella is a poisonous gangster hell bent on infection, and a pimple is a power-mad oil gland.

目的对不同来源的12株肠炎沙门菌分离株进行分子分型。Objective Molecular typing 12 strains of the Salmonella enteritidis isolated from different origins.

应用PCR技术对沙门菌分离菌株进行I类整合子及耐药基因检测。In addition PCR technique was used to detect the presence of the integron I and the multi-resistance genes.