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丈夫是公婆家的取款机。永无宁日。Husband is in-laws' ATM. No peace.

是的,我丈夫和我只剩下我公婆留下的一点马鞭草。Yes, my husband and I only have left what his parents left him.

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中国传统女子教育的目的是培养能够侍奉公婆、相夫教子的贤妻良母。Therefore, women's football is in conflict with the traditional Chinese culture.

但这些知识仿佛还没有广泛到一些中国男人或那些未来的公婆层里。Still this common sense fails to reach some Chinese men or their future mother-in-laws.

但这些常识如同还没有广泛到一些中国男人或那些他日的公婆层里。Still this common sense fails to revery some Chinese men or their future mother-in-laws.

紫月公婆自觉有愧于程家,断然与儿子赵斯文断绝来往。Purple month in-laws consciously kui to ride home, flatly to break up with son zhao sven.

而母亲的反应,一是直接与公婆沟通自己的敎养观念。First, they communicated directly with her parents- in-law about the concept of education.

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现在与其丈夫及其公婆住在一起,受到其家庭中传统习俗的制约。She now lives with her husband and in-laws, bound by customs and traditions in their home.

但这些常识犹如还没有普通到一些中国男人或那些改日的公婆层里。Still this common sense fails to revery single some Chinese men or their future mother-in-laws.

丈夫去世了,儿媳妇有没有赡养公婆的义务?The husband has passed away , if the daughter-in-law has had the duty supporting parents-in-law?

千百年来,主妇的话题一直绕著丈夫、孩子、公婆打转?The conversations of housewives have centered on husbands, children, and in-laws for hundreds of years?

停放在客厅里的红色电动车是公婆买给儿媳的结婚礼物,把手处还系着丝带。A red electric scooter, with ribbons on the handles, sits in the living room, a wedding present for Ms. Cai.

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入夜,韩珊瞒过公婆,单独走到院外,看着远处的天空,困难地呜呜哭泣。At night, HanShan fake in-laws, alone go outside the hospital, looking at distant sky, difficulty blare cry.

公婆泉斑岩铜矿产于次英安斑岩和花岗斑岩体中。Gongpoquan porphyry-type copper deposit is existed in secondary dacite-porphyry and granite-porphyry bodies.

其他天他们会去拜访亲戚、公婆和岳父母,并迎接财神。On other days they will visit other relatives, give respect to parents-in-law and welcome the God of Wealth.

她年轻时因为受不了公婆的虐待,离开家乡流落到海南岛。Since she could not bear her parents-in-law when she was young, she left her hometown and wandered to Hainan Island.

韩珊抱着小草走到公婆的房间,让小草在公婆脸上悄悄亲吻几下,转身离去。HanShan embrace grass went to the room, let the grass in-laws in a few face quietly kissing her, turned and walked away.

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最差的策略是,避免与岳父母或公婆交谈,而让你的伴侣代表你去游说。The worst strategy was to avoid dealing with the in-laws yourself and instead to ask your sweetheart to lobby on your behalf.

探讨了公婆泉矿区斑岩岩浆起源,论述了该矿区斑岩成岩成矿大地构造背景。This paper researches into magma origin and minerogenetic geotectonic background of porphyry in the Gonpoquan copper ore district.

婚礼结束之后,在一场特别的仪式上新娘要给公婆家主要的女性亲戚每人送一双鞋,俗称“分鞋”。After her wedding, a bride gave each of her main female in-laws a pair of shoes at a special ceremony known as “dividing the shoes.